在基督裡的信心 | |
經文: 「你們信上帝,也當信我。」(約翰福音十四:) | |
親愛的基督徒們,你們不覺得撥時間在上帝面前敬拜祂,讚美祂的大能是很重要的事?這可使你依靠祂的大能大力來幫助你,支取你所需用的一切欠缺。我們必須保有這樣的信心,時刻意識到全能救主的同在,祂要顯大能使我們成聖,供應我們一切的需要。 上帝的兒女們,謙卑安靜等候在上帝面前,敬拜祂,讚美祂!直到整個人浸沐在聖靈的同在中,感受到上帝大能運行在你身上,祂要供應你一切所需,透過你做工,讓你經歷到從前所不知道的全能救主,讓祂成為你的信心,成為你的力量。 救主即將離世,祂在最後晚餐時,勸勉門徒要全心全意地相信祂,依靠祂,如此他們將做比祂所做更大的事,結束時祂再次提醒門徒:「要喜樂,因我已勝過這世界。」我們的需要就是直接的、明確的、不止息地相信全能的救主,祂要奇妙的動工在我們身上。 | |
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Scripture: "Ye believe in God, believe also in Ate."—JOHN xiv.
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In the Farewell Discourse (John xiv-xvii), when Christ was about to
leave His disciples, He taught them that they were to believe in Him with the
same perfect confidence which they had reposed in God. "Ye believe in God,
believe also in Me." "Believe Me, that I am in the Father." "He that believeth
on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Here on earth He had not been able
to make Himself fully known to His disciples. But in heaven the fulness of God's
power would be His; and He would, in and through His disciples, do greater
things than He had ever done upon earth. This faith must fix itself first of all
on the person of Christ in His union with the Father. They were to have the
perfect confidence that all that God had done could now be done by Jesus too.
The deity of Christ is the rock on which our faith depends. Christ as man,
partaker of our nature, is in very deed true God. As the Divine power has worked
in Christ even to the resurrection from the dead, so Christ can also, in His
Di¬vine omnipotence, work in us all that we need. Dear Christians, do you not see of what deep importance it is that you take time to worship Jesus in His Divine Omnipotence as one with the Father ? That will teach you to count on Him in His sufficiency to work in us all that we can desire. This faith must so possess us that every thought of Christ will be filled with the consciousness of His presence as an Almighty Redeemer, able to save and sanctify and empower us to the very uttermost. Child of God, bow in deep humility before this blessed Lord Jesus, and worship Him: my Lord and my God! Take time until you come under the full consciousness of an assured faith that as the Almighty God, Christ will work for you, and in you and through you, all that God desires and all that you can need. Let the Saviour you have known and loved become as never before the Mighty God. Let Him be your confidence and your strength. The Saviour was about to leave the world. In His Farewell Charge on the last night He begins by telling them that everything would depend through their whole life on simply believing Him. By that they would even do greater things than He had ever done. And at the close of His address He repeats again: "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Our one need is a direct, definite, unceasing faith in the mighty power of Christ working in us. |