壓克力繪畫創作: 栽 種 公 義 收 割 慈 愛 壓克力顏料、木板93cmx60cm

壓克力繪畫創作: 栽 種 公 義 收 割 慈 愛  壓克力顏料、木板93cmx60cm
你 們 要 為 自 己 栽 種 公 義 , 就 能 收 割 慈 愛 。 現 今 正 是 尋 求 耶 和 華 的 時 候 ; 你 們 要 開 墾 荒 地 , 等 他 臨 到 , 使 公 義 如 雨 降 在 你 們 身 上 。(何 西 阿 書 10:12) Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you.( Hosea 10:12)




2013年3月30日 星期六

3/31 信心的支票簿~ 內心踏實篤定

經文: 「忽然來的驚恐,不要害怕;惡人遭毀滅,也不要恐懼。因為耶和華是你所倚靠的;祂必保守你的腳不陷入網羅。」(箴言三︰25,26)
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Presence of Mind
Scripture: "Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken"(Proverbs 3:25-26).
        When God is abroad in judgments, He would not have His people alarmed. He has not come forth to harm but to defend the righteous.
        He would have them manifest courage. We who enjoy the presence of God ought to display presence of mind. Since the LORD Himself may suddenly come, we ought not to be surprised at anything sudden. Serenity under the rush and roar of unexpected evils is a precious gift of divine love.
        The LORD would have His chosen display discrimination so that they may see that the desolation of the wicked is not a real calamity to the universe. Sin alone is evil; the punishment which follows thereupon is as a preserving salt to keep society from putrefying. We should be far more shocked at the sin which deserves hell than at the hell which comes out of sin.
        So, too, should the LORD's people exhibit great quietness of spirit. Satan and his serpent seed are full of all subtlety; but those who walk with God shall not be taken in their deceitful snares. Go on, believer in Jesus, and let the LORD be thy confidence.

3/30 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book感謝、禱告、讚美


信心的支票簿 Faith's check book
經文: 「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴上帝,上帝所賜、出人意外的平安,必在基督耶穌裡,保守你們的心懷意念。」(腓立比書四︰6,7)
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Prayer, Thanksgiving, Praise
Scripture: "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"(Philippians 4:6-7).
        No care but all prayer. No anxiety but much joyful communion with God. Carry your desires to the LORD of your life, the guardian of your soul. Go to Him with two portions of prayer and one of fragrant praise. Do not pray doubtfully but thankfully. Consider that you have your petitions, and therefore thank God for His grace. He is giving you grace; give Him thanks. Hide nothing. Allow no want to lie rankling in your bosom; "make known your requests." Run not to man. Go only to your God, the Father of Jesus, who loves you in Him.
        This shall bring you God's own peace. You shall not be able to understand the peace which you shall enjoy. It will enfold you in its infinite embrace. Heart and mind through Christ Jesus shall be steeped in a sea of rest. Come life or death, poverty, pain, slander, you shall dwell in Jesus above every rolling wind or darkening cloud. Will you not obey this dear command?

2013年3月29日 星期五

主耶穌的受難與復活~Adobe Photoshop 影像作品/陳思年

以賽亞書 Isaiah53:5
But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.
 又對他們說:照經上所寫的,基督必受害,第三日從死裡復活,並且人要奉他的名傳悔改、赦罪的道,從耶路撒冷起直傳到萬邦。(路加福音 24:46-47)

但 基 督 已 經 從 死 裡 復 活 , 成 為 睡 了 之 人 初 熟 的 果 子 。(哥林多前書15:20)


Easter Greetings

Happy Easter

你 們 也 因 著 他 , 信 那 叫 他 從 死 裡 復 活 、 又 給 他 榮 耀 的 神 , 叫 你 們 的 信 心 和 盼 望 都 在 於 神 。(彼得前書 1:21)

Happy Easter
在七日的第一日清早,耶穌復活了,就先向抹大拉的馬利亞顯現。(馬可福音 16:9)

我 留 下 平 安 給 你 們 ; 我 將 我 的 平 安 賜 給 你 們 。 我 所 賜 的 , 不 像 世 人 所 賜 的 。 你 們 心 裡 不 要 憂 愁 , 也 不 要 膽 怯 。你 們 聽 見 我 對 你 們 說 了 , 我 去 還 要 到 你 們 這 裡 來 。 你 們 若 愛 我 , 因 我 到 父 那 裡 去 , 就 必 喜 樂 , 因 為 父 是 比 我 大 的 。(约翰福音 14:27-28)

Happy Easter

Easter Greetings

耶 穌 對 他 說 : 復 活 在 我 , 生 命 也 在 我 。 信 我 的 人 雖 然 死 了 , 也 必 復 活 ,
凡 活 著 信 我 的 人 必 永 遠 不 死 。(約 翰 福 音 11:25-26)

大光讀經日程~3/29/2013 押沙龍叛變

上一篇      下一篇
Revolt against David
2 Samul 15-18
Heart of the Passage:
2 Samul 15,18
        Of all the sons mentioned in the Bible, none is as physically handsome and yet so emotionally and spiritually scarred as Absalom. Of Absalom, Matthew Henry writes, "In his body there was no blemish, but in his mind nothing but wounds and bruises." Today's reading describes the fulfillment of Nathan's prophetic judgment upon David. While his own transgression had been done in secret, the shame, dishonor, and murder within his own family circle would be done before all Israel. But the greatest headache would be the rebellious attempt by Absalom to usurp his father's throne. David's faith in God and love for his wayward son never diminish, though they are severely tested. Driven from Jerusalem, cursed by his countrymen, and disgraced by his son, David is eventually vindicated and restored, though at tremendous personal and national cost.
1 Crafty Revolt 12
13 Hasty Retreat 37
Absalom's Grand
Sorry End
David's Rule Threatened
David's Rule Restored
Your Daily Walk
        Mankind has yet to invent a glue that can mend a broken heart. But God can. Psychologists can probe your past, tell you why your heart is broken, and help you cope with a broken hean. They aren't in the business, however, of fixing broken hearts. But God is. He specializes in reconstructive surgery on shattered lives—taking the pieces of an empty shell and turning them into something beautiful and purposeful and glorifying to Himself. Prodigal children, fractured marriages, splintered homes—they're His specialty.
        Do you have a job for the Mender of broken hearts? His office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No appointment necessary.
Diary of a Disgraced Dad —
        What thoughts must David have been thinking, what emotions must he have been feeling, as he saw his favorite son make a mockery of the kingship and openly disgrace the family name from the rooftops of the palace? What tears must he have shed in private and before God at seeing his own trespasses come to fruition? There is no need to conjecture—David's thoughts and prayers are written down in his "diary" for you to read! They're found in Psalms 3, 4, 62, and 63.
Laugh at your troubles; that way you can be sure you'll always have something to laugh at.