內心踏實篤定 | |
經文: 「忽然來的驚恐,不要害怕;惡人遭毀滅,也不要恐懼。因為耶和華是你所倚靠的;祂必保守你的腳不陷入網羅。」(箴言三︰25,26) | |
當上帝伸手執行審判時,不會先警告祂的百姓;祂並非要傷害百姓,乃是要保護公義者。上帝會使他們身上顯出勇氣,我們這些受到上帝同在的百姓,必要有所警覺。因為上帝或許會突然來到,我們不要為突如其來的事覺得驚恐,在驚濤駭浪中能處變不驚,氣定神閒,是上帝賜的恩典。 上帝要使選民和世人有所分別,所以我們要明白惡者遭報,並非世界真正的悲劇。罪才是真正可怕的元兇,惡人的懲罰,有淨化社會的警世作用。我們要對引我們犯罪的毒鉤,戒慎恐懼,因為那是走向地獄的滅亡之路。 所以,上帝的百姓要靈裡鎮靜,明辨是非;撒但和毒蛇的種類,到處充斥遊行,尋找可吞吃的人,但與上帝同行的人能識破牠們的詭計,不致上當。信徒們,靠著上帝所賜的信心,繼續行走天路。 | |
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Presence of Mind | |
Scripture: "Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken"(Proverbs 3:25-26). | |
When God is abroad in judgments, He would not have His people alarmed. He has not come forth to harm but to defend the righteous. He would have them manifest courage. We who enjoy the presence of God ought to display presence of mind. Since the LORD Himself may suddenly come, we ought not to be surprised at anything sudden. Serenity under the rush and roar of unexpected evils is a precious gift of divine love. The LORD would have His chosen display discrimination so that they may see that the desolation of the wicked is not a real calamity to the universe. Sin alone is evil; the punishment which follows thereupon is as a preserving salt to keep society from putrefying. We should be far more shocked at the sin which deserves hell than at the hell which comes out of sin. So, too, should the LORD's people exhibit great quietness of spirit. Satan and his serpent seed are full of all subtlety; but those who walk with God shall not be taken in their deceitful snares. Go on, believer in Jesus, and let the LORD be thy confidence. |