經文:出埃及記7-10章 中心思想: 出埃及記7章 提要 由於上帝藉著僕人摩西傳講祂的話語,卻在法老剛硬如石的心中毫無作用,現在,摩西要開始執行上帝的工作了!──九個殃及全國的災害,包括蟲害、疾病及天然的改變,這些災害漸漸轉為更強烈、更具選擇性,以致難以忽視!法老王雖屢次答應,結果總是反悔,頑梗的拒絕釋放百姓,而陷自己及全國百姓於第十災之中。
每日與主同行 血管硬化是一種嚴重的疾病,能夠影響成千上萬的人,但和另一種影響人類的疾病比較的時候,結果是輕微的,那一種疾病就是心硬! 法老深知上帝要他做什麼,「容我百姓去」的命令下達了起碼六次之多。 法老深知上帝要他怎麼做,讓百姓往曠野走三天的路程,帶走所有的東西(8:26,27,10:8-11) 法老深知他不順服的結果,每一次降災之前,摩西都將後果再三的警告過他。 法老的問題不在於缺乏資訊,而在動力不夠。上帝的旨意非常清楚;相對的,法老的心十分剛硬,最後使他兵敗子喪──簡直就像下地獄一樣。 法老這種卑下的例子似乎不曾受到其他舊約作者的重視。請參閱申命記六章二十至二十二節,撒母耳記上六章六節,尼希米記九章七至十節,任選一段經文,擬定一個主題,在今晚的餐桌上討論一番。繞道比重蹈覆轍好,法老的心硬才是問題。 默想 自然或超自然? 有人相信所有災害(除了長子之災),都可以自然現象來解釋而非神蹟。即使這些災害可能或許不能破壞上帝的自然律,但它們發生的時機和摩西事前的預告,可以說明它們確是神蹟。 金言 心硬比血管硬化使人更加速老化。
Nine Plagues on Egypt
Scriptures:Exodus 7-10 Heart of the Passage: Exodus 7 Overview Since the words of God delivered through His servant Moses have had no effect on Pharaoh's stony heart, Moses now begins to demonstrate the works of God—nine national calamities involving insects, disease, and changes in nature. The plagues gradually become more intense, selective, and difficult to ignore! In spite of his frequent promises, Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to release the people, setting the stage for the tenth and climactic plague.
Your Daily Walk Hardening of the arteries is a serious disease that affects thousands. But its consequences are mild when compared to the eternal consequences of another malady that affects mankind: hardening of the heart. Pharaoh knew what God wanted him to do. The command "let my people go" was repeated no fewer than six times. Pharaoh knew how God wanted him to do it. The people were to go on a three-day journey into the wilderness, and nothing was to be left behind in the land of Egypt (8:26-27; 10:8-11). Pharaoh knew the consequences if he did not obey. He was warned of each plague in advance. Pharaoh's problem was not information, but motivation. God's will was clear; Pharaoh's heart was hard. And in the end he would lose his army and his firstborn son—as well as his captives! Pharaoh's sordid example was not overlooked by authors of other Old Testament writings. Look up Deuteronomy 6:20-22; 1 Samuel 6:b"; Nehemiah 9:7-10. Pick one passage and make it the topic of discussion around the dinner table tonight. It's a good way to detour around, rather than duplicate, Pharaoh's heart problem! Insight Natural or Supernatural? Some people believe that since all of the plagues (except the dead) of the Firstborn) could be explained naturally they weren't miracles. Although the plagues may or may not have broken God's natural laws, the timing and Moses' foretelling make them miraculous. Adage Hardening of the heart ages people more quickly than hardening of the arteries. |
願 耶 和 華 賜 福 給 你 , 保 護 你 。願 耶 和 華 使 他 的 臉 光 照 你 , 賜 恩 給 你 。願 耶 和 華 向 你 仰 臉 , 賜 你 平 安 。(民 數 記 6:24-26) The LORD bless you, and keep you;The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you;The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.'(Numbers 6:24-26)
2013年1月21日 星期一
大光讀經日程1/21/2013 九災降埃及
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