經文:創世記3-5章 中心思想: 創世記3章 提要 人類被安置在一個美好無瑕的環境裏,卻由於罪惡的入侵而遭到破壞!撒但化身為詭詐的蛇,向上帝為人造的園子裏唯一的禁物提出挑戰,人類第一個家庭裏不服從的夫妻吃了禁果,就被逐出園子,結果罪惡迅速的在人間散佈,所有的受造之物都落入死亡的刑罰裏。該隱竟成了第一個凶手,罪從亞當延續到挪亞,促使上帝對世上的邪惡做了一次大掃除式的審判。
每日與主同行 你有過這樣的經驗嗎?打開收音機或電視機聽到一個「神奇產品」的生動報導,於是你心悅誠服,出門買回來試試看,結果發現只是破鈔傷神而未達到預期的效果。 從古至今,撒但始終不遺餘力的推銷牠的「產品」──罪。首先牠企圖接近伊甸園中的夏娃,請注意牠的承諾:「因為上帝知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如上帝能知道善惡。」(創3:5)夏娃誤信了牠的話,試了牠的產品,結果呢?無盡的痛苦,極度的失望,還落得被逐出伊甸園的下場。 你拒絕試探的能力在何處遭到撒但的攻擊?牠誘使你相信什麼樣虛偽的承諾,好向你傾銷罪惡?「如果覺得還不錯,就一定是對的!別人可以做,所以一定還不壞,如果你不試一試,絕不會知道你錯失了什麼,只做一次是不會有什麼損失的。」 今天,當來自撒但的虛偽承諾來試探的時候,就用聖經的應許做為回答:「務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。」(雅4:7) 默想 同樣的詭詐,不同的結果。 將創世記三章和馬太福音四章一到十一節做一個比較,你會發現一個有趣的事實!撒但以試探夏娃的三種方式,同樣的試探耶穌(肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾和今生的驕傲;約壹2:16),然而在面對基督的情況中,撒但敗得片甲不留! 金言 陷入罪中的是凡人;為罪憂傷的是聖人;為罪誇口的是愚人。
Entrance and Extent of Sin
Scriptures:Genesis 3-5 Heart of the Passage: Genesis 3 Overview The perfect environment into which man was placed is now shattered by the entrance of sin. Satan, posing as the subtle serpent, challenges God's only prohibition on man's use of the garden. Disobedience follows as the first family eats from the forbidden tree and is expelled from the garden. The results of their sin spread quickly as humankind and the whole creation fall under the penalty of death. Cain becomes the first murderer, and the downward spiral continues from Adam to Noah, paving the way for God's sweeping judgment upon the wickedness of the world.
Your Daily Walk Has this ever happened to you? You turn on your radio or TV and hear glowing reports of a new "miracle product." Convinced, you go out and buy it, only to discover it fails to live up to its billing. Satan has been in the business of overselling his "product"— sin—for thousands of years. He first tried this approach with Eve in the Garden of Eden. Notice the promise: "In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (3:5). Eve believed his claim and tried his product. The result? Pain ... bitter disappointment ... and expulsion from the garden. Where has your resistance to temptation been tested by Satan? What are some of the false promises he would like you to believe in order to sell you on sin? "If it feels good it must be right.... Everyone else is doing it, so it must be okay.... If you haven't tried it, you can't know what you're missing.... It won't hurt to do it just once." When tempted today to fall for one of Satan's false promises, respond instead with this scriptural promise from James 4:7: "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Insight Same Scheme, Different Results — Compare Genesis 3 with Matthew 4:1-11 and you'll notice an interesting fact. Satan tempted Jesus in the same three ways that he tempted Eve (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life; 1 John 2:l6). But in Christ's case, Satan failed on every count! Adage The one who falls into sin is a human; the one who grieves at sin is a saint; the one who boasts of sin is a fool. |
願 耶 和 華 賜 福 給 你 , 保 護 你 。願 耶 和 華 使 他 的 臉 光 照 你 , 賜 恩 給 你 。願 耶 和 華 向 你 仰 臉 , 賜 你 平 安 。(民 數 記 6:24-26) The LORD bless you, and keep you;The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you;The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.'(Numbers 6:24-26)
2013年1月1日 星期二
大光讀經日程 Chinese 1/2/2013 English
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