同心合意的禱告 | |
經文: 「這些人……都同心合意的恆切禱告。」(使徒行傳一:14)「五旬節到了,門徒都聚集在一處。他們就都被聖靈充滿,按著聖靈所賜的口才,說起別國的話來。」(使徒行傳二:1,4) | |
救主耶穌吩咐祂的門徒:「你們要往普天下去,傳福音給萬民聽。」祂又加上一句應許:「我必與你同在,直到世界的末了。」我們肯定這應許不只單對門徒而言,也是對所有的跟從者說的。 在基督耶穌升天之前,祂賜下祂最後的命令:「你們不要離開耶路撒冷,要等候父所應許的。」並應許說:「聖靈要降臨在你們身上,你們必得著能力;並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地、和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」這最後的命令及應許要告訴我們,就像是永不改變的命令——廣傳福音所伴隨的應許一樣,「要等候父所應許的。」命令伴隨而來的將會是「聖靈要降臨在你們身上,你們必得著能力。」的應許。 有十天之久,門徒聚集在一處,同心合意恆切禱告,等候父所應許的聖靈,結果聖靈果然大大地降臨。噢!今日的教會往往試著要實行「廣傳福音」的命令,卻忘了「要等候父所應許的。」這個呼召是要給每一位信徒的——當每天同心合意地為著最大的禮物——聖靈——來禱告。許多基督徒們常常為自己、為工作禱告,但卻忘記為教會禱告。初代使徒所爆發出來的深遠影響力,是因他們聚集在一起,同心合意恆切地禱告,完全融為一體,忘了自我,全都為了祈求聖靈的能力在這世上彰顯出來。 喔!親愛的弟兄姐妺,無論你從這本書學到什麼,再多記一件事:每天花時間在禱告裡與主親近交通是件不可或缺的事,這也是一項神聖的職責,因為在這段時間,聖靈要做奇妙的工作。不要讓聖靈的能力只局限在個人、或教會而已,而是要擴及到全世界上帝的國度,我們要切切地禱告,讓聖靈在世界的禾場自由運行,完成天父的使命。 | |
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Scripture: "These all with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer." — ACTS i. 14."And when the Day of Pentecost was now come, . . . they were all filled with the Holy Spirit." — ACTS ii. 1, 4. | |
Our Lord gave the command to His disciples : "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature," and He added the promise: "Lo, I am with you always." We may be fully assured that this command and this promise were not meant alone for the disciples, but also for us, their followers. Just before His Ascension, Christ gave His very last command, also with a promise attached to it. The command was : "Go not, preach not, — wait for the promise of the Father." And the promise was : "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you ; and ye shall be witnesses to Me, unto the utter¬most parts of the earth." This very last command and promise are also meant for us. As irrevocable as the command : "Preach the Gospel," with its accompanying promise, is this last command of all, to wait for the promise of the Father — "Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost." For ten days the disciples pled that promise with one accord, and their prayer was wonderfully answered. Alas, that the church of our day has tried to carry out the first command, "Preach the Gospel," but has too often forgotten the second, "Wait for the promise of the Father." The call comes to each believer to pray daily with one accord for this great gift of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians who pray for themselves and their own work, forget to pray for the Church of Christ. The power of the first disciples lay in the fact that they as One Body were prepared to forget themselves and to pray for the Holy Spirit over all mankind. O Christian, whatever you may have learned from reading this little book, learn one more lesson. Daily prayer in fellowship with God's children is indispensable, and it is a sacred duty if the Spirit is again to come in power. Let not your knowledge of the working of God's Holy Spirit be limited to yourself alone, nor even to your Church, but in a world-embracing love of Christ, for all God's children, and His kingdom over the whole world, pray for power. |