聖靈的愛 | |
經文: 「盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將上帝的愛澆灌在我們心裡。」(羅馬書五:5) | |
許多基督徒都會承認,他們終其一生,很少明白天父上帝熱烈純真如孩童般的愛是怎麼一回事,也很少遵行耶穌的第二個誡命,愛弟兄如同自己。想到對上帝或弟兄姐妹,竟缺乏這樣一種純真的愛,實在是基督徒一個莫大的損失與遺憾。 這失敗的原因究竟出在那兒?難道天父沒有為祂的兒女們預備能力,讓他們能愛天父愛弟兄姐妹?當然祂有,但基督徒們尚未學會這功課;因為這必須對上帝的大能有持續更新的信賴,有人試圖從心中能激發出一絲對上帝的愛,卻發現靠自己努力實在沒辦法擠出對上帝的愛。喔!親愛的弟兄姐妹們,這不是靠我們的努力去達成,乃是上帝要親自動工在你們心中,使你們能愛上帝愛弟兄,不要寄望依靠自己的努力來愛上帝愛人。憑信心相信上帝的大能要臨到你,祂的大愛要像活水的泉源,從你腹中流出,教導你如何愛上帝愛人。 讓我們學會這經訓:「上帝的愛要藉著聖靈澆灌我們的心。」聖靈會使我們有能力愛上帝、愛人,甚至愛仇敵。謹記兩件事,第一,就是靠我們自己是沒有力量愛上帝愛人的。第二,聖靈可以每天每時每刻充滿你心,助你有能力愛上帝愛人。每天早晨起床,就學習將自己交託給上帝,求聖靈保守你一天的作息,並做這樣的禱告: 「上帝啊!求祢給我這樣的確據,知道聖靈能將上帝的大愛澆灌我心,並從此湧流、祝福且滋潤我週圍的人。奉主耶穌聖名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "The love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost, which was given unto us."—ROM. v. 5. | |
How many a Christian must confess all his life long that he knows very little of a fervent, childlike love to his heavenly Father! He realizes, too, that he cannot keep Christ's second great commandment, to love his neighbor as himself. The thought of this lack of a joyful love to the Lord Jesus, or of a continual love to the brethren, is so great a source of shame and sorrow. What is the cause of this failure? Has the heavenly Father made no provision for His children on earth, enabling them to prove their love to Him and to each other? Certainly He has. But God's children have not learned the lesson, that there must be a constant renewal of faith in what God is able to do. One tries to stir up love towards God in one's heart, yet is conscious all the time that in one's own strength one cannot awaken the slightest love to God. O Christian, believe that the love, of God will work in your heart as a vital power, to enable you to love God and to love the brethren. Cease to expect the least love in yourself. Believe in the power of God's love, resting on you, and abiding in you; teaching you to love God, and the brethren, with His own love. Learn the lesson of our text: "The love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts, through the Holy Ghost." The Spirit will enable us to love God, and our brethren, and even our enemies. Be assured of two things. First, that in your own strength you cannot love God, or the brethren. And, second, that the Holy Spirit is within you every day and every hour, seeking to fill you with the Spirit of love. Each morning, as you commit yourself into the keeping of the Holy Spirit for the day, let this prayer arise: Grant me the assurance that Thou wilt pour forth the love of Christ into my own heart, and then let it stream forth to all around me! |