基督的愛 | |
經文: 「原來基督的愛激勵我們。」(哥林多後書五:14) | |
上帝差遣祂的兒子降世為人,為顯明祂永恆無盡的愛;這滿有榮光的大愛,就是上帝的本體,亙古以來就存在天堂,所有的天使也因著大愛的激勵,口舌不斷湧出讚美的詩歌,歌頌這位天地的大君王;同樣地,上帝也希望在這罪惡敗壞的世界,能將祂聖潔的愛澆灌人心。 這當如何完成?藉著差遣耶穌降生為世人贖罪捨命,贏得世人的心。耶穌成為人子,出生於卑賤的馬槽,又被釘在屈辱的十字架上,其一生柔和謙卑至死;默默地為苦難貧窮的人群服務,向那些不信叛逆的人傳道醫病、行神蹟,為將祂的大愛澆灌在人心中。 為了這樣的目的,祂揀選門徒常常與祂同在,好讓他們感受了解祂的愛;為了這樣的目的,祂無怨無悔,甘心樂意被掛在殘酷可怕的十字架上,忍受那摧肝裂肺、慘絕人寰的極刑,以證明祂長闊高深的大愛。是的,耶穌背負世人的罪孽,忍受仇敵的羞辱嘲諷,承受肉體痛苦的折磨煎熬,為的是要讓世人(無論是朋友或仇敵),明白祂測不透的永恆大愛。 在耶穌復活升天之後,祂又賜下聖靈保惠師在我們心中,領受祂的恩澤與大愛。門徒們也因著祂愛的激勵與催逼,就願意將自己獻上當作活祭,處處宣揚福音,好讓週圍的人認識這位慈愛的救主。 弟兄姐妹們,我們來反覆思想這主題:上帝希望我們心中充滿祂的愛,並以我們做為祂愛的流通管道,讓身旁的人都能感受到上帝的愛。但願我們能像保羅一樣說:「上帝的愛激勵我們。」沒有什麼事可以滿足我們的心,除非我們能為上帝找到一些人,讓他們的心也能認識並充滿這位有愛的救主。我立志以傳福音為我的職志,願意犧牲一切來領人歸主。 | |
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Scripture: The love of Christ constraineth us."—2 COR. v. 14. | |
God sent His Son into the world to make known His everlasting love, even as it was known in heaven. God's existence there is in the glory of that love; all His angels are as tongues of fire overflowing with praise and worship through the power of the love that fills them. God's desire is that on this sinful earth, likewise, His love should take possession of the hearts of men. And how was this accomplished ? By sending Christ, the Son of His love, to earth to reveal as Man the love of the Father, and win our hearts to Himself. The Lord Jesus became man and made Himself of no reputation. In His dealings with the poor and needy, and those who were unbelieving and rebellious, and through His miracles, He poured out His love into the hearts of sinful men. With the same purpose our Lord chose the disciples to be always with Him, and to be filled with His love. With this purpose He gave on the cross the greatest proof of love that the world has ever seen. He took our sins upon Him; He bore the suffering, and the scorn of His enemies, that friend and foe alike might know God's eternal love. And then, after He had ascended to heaven, He gave the Holy Spirit, to shed abroad this love in our hearts. The disciples, impelled by the love of Christ, in turn offered their lives to make it known to others. O Christians, think this over: God longs to have our hearts wholly filled with His love. Then He will be able to use us as channels for this love to flow out to our fellow-men. Let us say with the Apostle Paul: "The love of Christ constraineth me" (Dutch Version—"urges"). I can be satisfied with nothing less, I will sacrifice everything to secure a place for this great love in the hearts of the children of men. |