晝夜祈求 | |
經文: 「上帝的選民,晝夜呼籲祂,祂縱然為他們忍了多時,豈不終久給他們伸冤嗎?」(路加福音十八:7) | |
當尼希米聽到耶路撒冷敗壞荒涼的消息,他在上帝面前哭泣:「願祢睜眼看、側耳聰,祢僕人晝夜在祢面前為祢眾僕人……的祈禱。」(尼一:6)那些在聖城城牆守望的人,上帝說:「他們晝夜都不闔眼。」保羅也說:「我們晝夜切切的祈求,要見你們的面,……,在我們父上帝面前,心裡堅固,成為聖潔,無可責備。」(帖前三:10,13) 真的要晝夜禱告嗎?這有可能嗎?若我們的心真被上帝的愛和聖靈所掌管,我們勢必將上帝交待的工作完成,否則心就不得安息,而且也沒有任何事會阻擋我們,去盡力活在上帝面前,來討祂的歡心,喜見祂的笑顏。 「沒有異象,民就放肆。」(箴廿:18)人若清楚看到教會的需要,人心的需要,以及世界禾場的需要,而且也確信藉著祈禱產生的力量,能讓我們剛強為主作見證、領人歸主,我們就會視熱切代禱為己任,晝夜祈求上帝的大能藉我們彰顯。 讓我們向大衛學習,他說:「我心因渴想上帝而熔化。」真的,耶穌救主有如我們的良人,惟有祂值得我們追求,惟有祂值得我們愛慕,讓我們為祂而活,討祂的歡心,並積極地為祂贏得更多的靈魂,若不為祂多結果子,我心就不得安息。 「主啊:祢是最偉大的代禱者,是永遠的祭司,求祢賞賜一顆火熱代禱的心,好完成祢託付的使命。奉耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them!"'—LUKE xviii. 7, | |
When Nehemiah heard of the destruction of Jerusalem, he cried to God: "Hear the prayer of Thy servant which I pray before Thy face day and night." Of the watchman set on the walls of Jesrusalem, God said: "Which shall never hold their peace day nor night." And Paul writes (1 Thess. iii. 10, 13, R. V.) : "Night and day praying exceedingly, to the end He may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before our God and Father." Is such prayer night and day really needed and really possible? Most assuredly, when the heart is first so entirely possessed by the desire that it cannot rest until this is fulfilled. The life has so come under the power of the heavenly blessing that nothing can keep it from sacrificing all to obtain it. When a child of God begins to get a real vision into the need of the Church and of the world, a vision of the Divine redemption which God has promised in the outpouring of His love into our hearts, a vision of the power of true intercession to bring down the heavenly blessing, a vision of the honour of being allowed as intercessors to take part in that work, it comes as a matter of course that he regards the work as the most heavenly thing upon earth—as intercessor to cry day and night to God for the revelation of His mighty power. Let us learn from David, who said: "The zeal of Thine house hath consumed me"; from Christ our Lord, of whom these words were so intensely true, that there is nothing so much worth living for as this one thought—how to satisfy the heart of God in His longing for human fellowship and affection, and how to win hearts to be His dwelling-place. And shall not we too give ourselves no rest until we have found a place for the Mighty One in our hearts, and yielded ourselves to the great work of intercession for so many after whom the desires of God are going out. God grant that our hearts may be so brought under the influence of these Divine truths, that we may in very deed yield ourselves to make our devotion to Christ, and our longing to satisfy the heart of God, the chief object of our life. Lord Jesus, the great Intercessor, who findest in it all Thy glory, breathe, we pray Thee, of Thine own Spirit into our hearts—for Thy Name's sake. AMEN. |