打開心眼 | |
經文: 「以利沙禱告說:耶和華阿!求祢開這少年人的眼目,使他能看見……耶和華阿!求祢開這些人的眼目,使他們能看見。」(列王紀下六:17,20) | |
以利沙為他僕人的禱告竟蒙垂聽,這多麼奇妙啊!這個年青人看到滿山有火車戰馬護衛著以利沙,這是天上使者派來保護上帝的僕人。 以利沙第二次禱告,敘利亞的軍隊眼睛昏迷,看不見前方,以致潰散到撒瑪利亞。以利亞再禱告,求上帝開他們的眼睛,結果敘利亞的軍隊睜開眼睛,卻發現他們已落入敵軍手中,淪為以色列人的囚犯。 我們也要求上帝打開我們的心眼,讓我們用信心看見祂要供應教會屬靈的需要,祂不但用聖靈與火為信徒施浸,也為天國的設立而預備屬天的福份與能力。上帝的兒女多麼欠缺屬靈的信心眼睛,沒看到上帝的能力要與他們同在,並給他們機會經歷上帝,使他們靈命茁壯。 然而,我們當求上帝第二次開我們的眼,讓我們看到這世界與罪惡的強大勢力,否則我們無法察覺到教會的軟弱,信徒也沒有能力結出聖靈的果子,並領人歸主。因此,我們要特別為教會的復興禱告,求上帝傾倒天上的祝福與能力,讓每位信徒愛主更熱切,信心更堅定,靈命更茁壯。 「親愛的天父:祢樂意垂聽我們軟弱的禱告,也樂意賜下屬靈的能力,求祢張開我們的心眼,讓我們看到自己靈裡的貧窮,教會的冷淡,而肯謙卑地來到祢面前,求祢來挑旺眾信徒的信心,願意毫無保留地獻身給祢,同心合意地來興旺福音。奉主耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "And Elisha prayed and said: Lord, open his eyes, that he may see…... And Elisha said, Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see."—2 KINGS vi. 17, 20. | |
How wonderfully the prayer of Elisha for his servant was answered! The young man saw the mountain full of chariots of fire and horsemen about Elisha. The heavenly host had been sent by God to protect His servant. A second time Elisha prayed. The Syrian army had been smitten with blindness, and so led into Samaria. There Elisha prayed for the opening of their eyes, and lo, they found themselves hopeless prisoners in the hand of the enemy. We wish to use these prayers in the spiritual sphere. First of all, to ask that our eyes may see the wonderful provision that God has made for His Church, in the baptism with the Holy Ghost and with fire. All the powers of the heavenly world are at our disposal in the service of the heavenly Kingdom. How little the children of God live in the faith of that heavenly vision—the power of the Holy Spirit, on them, with them, and in them, for their own spiritual life, and as their strength joyfully to witness for their Lord and His work! But we shall find that we need that second prayer too, that God may open the eyes of those of His children who do not as yet see the power which the world and sin have upon His people. They are as yet unconscious of the feebleness that marks the Church, making it impotent to do the work of winning souls for Christ, and building up believers for a life of holiness and fruit-fulness. Let us pray especially that God may open all eyes to see what the great and fundamental need of the Church is, in intercession to bring down His blessing, that the power of the Spirit may be known unceasingly in its Divine efficacy and blessing. Our Father, which art in heaven, Thou who art so unspeakably willing to give us the Holy Spirit in power, hear our humble prayer. Open our eyes, we pray Thee, that we may realise fully the low estate of Thy Church and people, and as fully what treasures of grace and power Thou art willing to bestow in answer to the fervent prayer of a united Church. AMEN. |