禱告的學校 | |
經文: 「基督在肉體的時候,既大聲哀哭,流淚禱告懇求那能救祂免死的主,就因祂的虔誠,蒙了應允。」(希伯來書五:7) | |
耶穌是教會的元首,現在在天上為我們禱告;我們是連於元首的身體,在地上作耶穌的禱告同工。莫以為耶穌平白得了這職份,祂能成為我們的榜樣,不知付出多少的心血代價!以賽亞書五十三章10~12節說:「……耶和華以祂為贖罪祭,祂必看見後裔……祂必看見自己勞苦的功效……所以我要使祂與位大的同份,與強盛的均分擄物,因為祂將命傾倒,以致於死……。」請思想最後一句,祂將命傾倒以致於死。 「將命傾倒」,這就是禱告的真義。任何的犧牲服事,若沒有嘔心瀝血的禱告做基礎,將帶不出上帝的能力。祂如此為必滅亡的罪人,將自己的性命擺上付出,正顯示上帝的能力與祂同在,否則耶穌怎能甘受痛苦,為眾人死在十架上? 我們要做個代禱者,與耶穌同工,勢必要以耶穌的心為心,如祂一般地「將命傾倒」,確確實實為所關懷的對象或事工,做恆切、迫切的代禱,而不是馬馬虎虎地三言兩語交待過去。代禱不是心血來潮、一時興起的動作;它乃是嚴肅的課題;每天的操練,是我們活力的源頭,也惟有如此發自肺腑、自我犧牲的禱告,才能感動天庭,帶來屬靈的能力。(徒十五:26;廿24;腓二17;啟十二11) 我們愈花長時間做深入的火熱禱告,愈發現這能很有果效地引人悔改信主;因此我們深深領悟「禱告」實在是靈界的祕密超強武器,值得我們放下一切,每天都來到上帝面前操練這功課,使上帝的榮耀彰顯全地。 「親愛的耶穌:求祢教導我如何與祢聯合,為祢所安排在我們周圍的人禱告;求祢的愛充滿在所有信徒的心中,教導我們學會如何情詞迫切地代禱,經歷到祢聖靈浩大能力的運行與彰顯。奉耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears…… and was heard in that He feared."—HEB. v. 7. | |
Christ, as Head, is Intercessor in heaven; we, as the mem¬bers of His Body, are partners with Him on earth. Let no one imagine that it cost Christ nothing to become an intercessor. He could not without this be our example. What do we read of Him? (Isaiah liii. 10-12) : "When Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed…… He shall see of the travail of His soul.. ... I will divide Him a portion with the great, because He hath poured out His soul unto death." Notice the thrice-repeated expression in regard to the pouring out of His soul. The pouring out of the soul—that is the Divine meaning of intercession. Nothing less than this was needed if His sacrifice and prayer were to have power with God. This giving of Himself over to live and die that He might save the perishing was a revelation of the spirit that has power to prevail with God. If we as helpers and fellow-labourers with the Lord Jesus are to share His power of intercession, there will need to be with us too the travail of soul that there was with Him, the giving up of our life and its pleasures for the one supreme work of interceding for our fellow-men. Intercession must not be a passing interest; it must become an ever-growing object of intense desire, for which above everything we long and live. It is the life of consecration and self-sacrifice that will indeed give power for intercession (Acts xv. 26; xx. 24; Phil. ii. 17; Rev. xii. 11). The longer we study this blessed truth and think of what it means to exercise this power for the glory of God and the salvation of men, the deeper will become our conviction that it is worth giving up everything to take part with Christ in His work of intercession. Blessed Lord Jesus, be pleased to teach us how to unite with Thee in calling upon God for the souls Thou hast bought. Let Thy love fill us and all Thy saints, that we may learn to plead for the power of Thy Holy Spirit to be made known. AMEN. |