最大心願 | |
經文: 「有一件事,我曾求耶和華,我仍要尋求。就是一生一世住在耶和華的殿中,瞻仰祂的榮美,在祂的殿裡求問。」(詩篇廿七:4) | |
當我們以基督的心為心時,我們的生命在聖靈的管理之下,我們的心思意念也會專注在屬天的事上,常常轉眼仰望上帝的聖潔美意,並思想上帝所說的話:「我所說的話必成就,我要做以色列的居所。」 我們越思想上帝渴望住在祂兒女的心中,要人享受祂的安息,我們就越希望每天都能在祂的聖殿仰望祂的榮美,也越發興起為他人禱告的心。無論我們思及國家或親人,得救或未得救的人,只要想到上帝渴望更多的人來認識祂,來享受祂的平安,就巴不得奮身為福音爭戰,也將自己一切的軟弱自卑拋諸腦後,只宣告新約中上帝的應許,上帝必要得勝! 當我們信心的眼睛,看出上帝榮耀的呼召,為了要讓萬人得救,祂把那願為他人代禱火熱的心,擺在我們心裡面,我們就被感動,願意放下自我,更多地與上帝親近,等候祂甘甜的同在,並樂意向人分享因信耶穌而得的好處。 「上帝哪!求祢開我的眼,讓我看到這是何等榮耀的職份,上帝居然看得起我,讓我在祂的聖工上有份,我們豈可輕忽這樣的恩典!願上帝賜下屬天的能力,讓我做個天國精兵、代禱勇士!奉耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple."— PSALMS xxvii. 4. | |
Here we have man's response to God's desire to dwell in us. When the desire of God toward us begins to rule the life and heart, our desire is fixed on one thing, and that is, to dwell in the house of the Lord all the clays of our life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. And then to enquire in His temple and to learn what it means that God has said: "I the Lord have spoken it, and will do it. And I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them." The more we realize the desire of God's love to give His rest in the heart, and the more our desire is thus quickened to dwell every day in His temple and behold His beauty, the more the Spirit of intercession will grow upon us, to claim all that in His New Covenant God has promised. Whether we think of our Church and country, of our home and school, of our nearer or wider circle; whether we think of the saved and all their needs, or the unsaved and their danger, the thought that God is indeed longing to find His home and His rest in the hearts of men, if He be only "inquired of," will rouse our whole being to strive for Zion's sake not to hold our peace. All the thoughts of our feebleness and unworthiness will be swallowed up in the wonderful assurance that He has said of human hearts: "This is my rest for ever; here will I dwell; for I have desired it." As our faith sees how high our calling is, how indispensable has made fervent, intense, persistent prayer as the condition oi His purpose being fulfilled, we shall be drawn to give up our life to a closer walk with God, to an unceasing waiting upon Him, and to a testimony to our brethren of what God will do in them and in us. Is it not wonderful beyond all thought, this Divine partnership, in which God commits the fulfilment of His desires to our keeping? Shame upon us that we have so little realized it! Our Father in heaven, we beseech Thee, give, give in power, we Spirit of grace and supplication to Thy people — for Jesus sake. AMEN. |