代禱勇士 | |
經文: 「那時,祂見無人拯救、無人代求,甚為詫異。」(以賽亞書五九:16) | |
自古以來,上帝一向垂聽禱告,施行拯救。但在這段經文中,我們看到上帝甚為詫異,為何在那混亂的世代,竟無人代求。容我們再深入思想,這意味著什麼?上帝訝異為何竟無一人愛人靈魂,願為他人代禱!上帝也訝異為何竟無一人有足夠的信心,相信祂大能的膀臂,能因信徒的代禱而施行拯救。若無代禱者,祂的審判就將臨到;反之,若有代禱勇士,上帝就大施拯救。(賽六十四7;結廿二30,31) 在上帝的國度,代禱勇士的地位何等重要!然而,上帝既應許要賜下能力,施行拯救,卻只有這麼少人來使用這恩典,支取那要給我們的能力與祝福,這不是很奇怪嗎? 讓我們來明瞭自己的地位。上帝藉著耶穌創造萬有,並完成救贖的工作,如今祂坐在寶座上,擴張上帝國度的責任就移交在祂子民的手中。信徒在上帝寶座前,扮演祭司的角色,為自己為眾人的罪求赦免,並為一切的需要,祈求隨時的幫助與憐憫。而基督耶穌早就坐在榮耀寶座上,要將豐沛的聖靈恩賜與能力,厚厚地澆灌在等候祂腳前的兒女心中。 宇宙的奧妙變化,星球的規律運轉,甚至教會的成立與發展,都是靠信徒們不斷禱告的力量托住。這樣的真理奧秘,或許是出乎你的意料之外,聞所未聞,但卻是千真萬確。親愛的弟兄姊妹們,上帝等著你!上帝需要你做代禱勇士!祂要我們在祂榮耀的計劃、聖工上有份,而這只有藉著我們的禱告,與祂的恩典得以成事。願我們洞察這真理,降服於上帝的呼召,委身於代禱的祭壇。 「親愛的天父:開啟我們的心眼,能看見祢邀請祢的兒女,藉着信心的代求和禱告,參與祢國度的擴展。讓我們能呼應這神聖而榮耀的呼召,全心全意獻身於這蒙福的事奉中。奉耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor." — ISAIAH lix. 16. | |
From of old God had among His people intercessors to whose voice He had listened and given deliverance. Here we read of a time of trouble when He sought for an intercessor, but in vain. And He wondered! Think of what that means — the amazement of God that there should be none who loved the people enough or who had sufficient faith in His power to deliver, to intercede, on their behalf. If there had been an intercessor He would have given deliverance; without an intercessor His judgments came down (see Isaiah Ixiv. 7; Ezek. xxii. 30, 31). Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God! Is it not indeed a matter of wonder that God should give men such power, and yet that there are so few who know what it is to take hold of His strength and pray down His blessing on the world? Let us try to realize the position. When God had in His Son wrought out the new creation, and Christ had taken His place on the Throne, the work of the extension of His Kingdom was given into the hands of men. He ever liveth to pray; prayer is the highest exercise of His royal prerogative as Priest-King upon the throne. All that Christ was to do in heaven was to be in fellowship with His people on earth. In His Divine condescension God has willed that the working of His Spirit shall follow the prayer of His people. He waits for their intercession, showing the preparation of heart — where and how much of His Spirit they are ready to receive. God rules the world and His Church through the prayers of His people. "That God should have made the extension of His Kingdom to such a large extent dependent on the faithfulness of His people in prayer is a stupendous mystery and yet an absolute certainty." God calls for intercessors : in His grace He has made His work dependent on them ; He waits for them. Our Father, open our eyes to see that Thou dost invite Thy children to have a part in the extension of Thy Kingdom by their faithfulness in prayer and intercession. Give us such OM insight into the glory of this holy calling, that with our whole heart we may yield ourselves to its blessed service. AMEN. |