上帝的心意 | |
經文: 「願祢的意旨成全。」(馬太廿六:42) | |
上帝有絕對的主權,能讓天上地下的一切,都照祂的心意行事,當祂按照自己的形像造人時,就希望人能完全地順服祂,以祂的心思為心思,以祂的願望為願望,以人的血肉之身,做為承接聖靈的器皿,成為聖靈的殿。 在祂賜給人「自由意志」的同時,祂也相對地面臨「人是否全然順服」的考驗;不幸地,始祖亞當選擇聽上帝仇敵的話,於是人類墮落了。而上帝因著祂無限的大愛,讓祂的獨生愛子耶穌基督,捨命作贖罪的代價。 人的慾望是一切行為的原動力,而人隨著自己的私慾行事,如同無韁的野馬奔馳,這光景惹上帝傷心難過,所以祂要設法救贖他們,引導他們,使他們歸回,能體貼上帝的心,能行仁愛聖潔的事。 救贖的第一步,就是讓耶穌道成肉身,來到人間,成為人的樣式,然而祂仍以天父的事為念,藉著禱告完全降服於天父的旨意,因此在客西馬尼園有著摧肝裂肺、血淚迸發的痛苦禱告:「父啊,不要照我的意思,只要照祢的意思。」(太廿:39)即使在十架上背著眾人的罪而遭上帝遺棄,耶穌仍甘之如飴,因為祂的心意與天父的心意完全吻合,救贖計劃才得以完成。 第二步驟,就是接受救恩。而我們這些已蒙恩的罪人,就該負起代禱的責任,為宣教士、牧長,老基督徒、或剛信主的切切代禱,因為藉著禱告,上帝的旨意要行在地上,如同行在天上。 | |
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Scripture: "Thy will be done."—MATT. xxvi. 42. | |
It is the high prerogative of God that everything in heaven and earth is to be done according to His will, and as the fulfilment of His desires. When He made man in His image it was, above all, that his desires were to be in perfect accord with the desires of God. This is the high honour of being in the likeness of God—that we are to feel and wish just as God. In human flesh man was to be the embodiment and fulfilment of God's desires. When God created man with the power of willing and choosing what he should be, He limited Himself in the exercise of His will. And when man had fallen and yielded himself to the will of God's enemy, God in His infinite love set about the great work of winning man back to make the desires of God his own. As in God, so in man, desire is the great moving power. And just as man had yielded himself to a life of desire after the things of the earth and the flesh, God had to redeem him, and to educate him into a life of harmony with Himself. His one aim was that man's desire should be in perfect accord with His own. The great step in this direction was when the Son of the Father came into this world, to reproduce the Divine desires in His human nature, and in His prayer to yield Himself up to the perfect fulfilment of all that God wished and willed. The Son, as Man, said in agony and blood, "Thy will be done," and made the surrender even to being forsaken of God, that the power that had deceived man might be conquered and deliverance procured. It was in the wonderful and complete harmony between the Father and the Son when the Son said, "Thy will of love be done," that the great redemption was accomplished. And this is now the great work of appropriating that redemption, that believers have to say, first of all for themselves, and then in lives devoted to intercession for others: "Thy will be done in heaven as on earth." As we plead for the Church— its ministers and its missionaries, its strong Christians or its young converts—for the unsaved, whether nominally Christian or heathen, we have the privilege of knowing that we are pleading for what God wills, and that through our prayers His will is to be done on earth as in heaven. |