奉主的名禱告 | |
經文: 「向來你們沒有奉我的名求什麼,如今你們求就必得著,叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。」(約翰福音十六:24,26) | |
耶穌在世時,門徒不甚明白禱告的力量。在客西馬尼園,彼得和其他門徒表現的太令人失望,他們對「奉耶穌的名禱告」這回事,沒什麼概念。但上帝應許他們,等到那一日(祂離世復活升天後),門徒奉祂的名無論求什麼,就必得著。 「向來你們沒有奉我的名求什麼,如今你們求就必得著,叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。」即使在今日的教會,這現象仍普遍存在,絕大多數的信徒不明白他們已與耶穌聯合,已與聖靈聯合,已有這樣的權柄可向天父求取他們需要的一切。因此,只有等到信徒明白與耶穌聯合的道理,清楚知道何謂讓耶穌「住在心中」的意義,並且順服聖靈的教導,他們才會明白禱告有何等大的效果,上帝是如何垂聽禱告,並豐豐富富供應我們一切的需用。 做為上帝的兒女,惟有在我們明白「耶穌」這名帶有何等大的能力,以及知道「上帝的兒女」本來就被賦予這樣的權柄,我們才會樂意回應耶穌的懇請,積極地跪在祂寶座前禱告。耶穌離世前一再地勸勉叮嚀門徒:「你們出外做主聖工,切記那坐在寶座上,也住在你們心中的那一位,應許你們,無論奉耶穌的名求什麼,你們必得著。」 基督徒若肯全然委身,絕對順服,他的眼睛將要被打開,看到「不斷禱告」的生活正是健康基督徒的主要特徵,「豐沛的靈命」是有「耶穌內住」,並「為主而活」的基督徒必有的現象。 「親愛的救主:求祢教導我們過著由聖靈掌管的生活,與祢合一,為祢而活。使我們能大膽地向祢求告,深信靠著祢的名,無論求什麼,就必得著。奉耶穌的名,阿們。」 | |
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Scripture: "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name. At that day ye shall ask in My name; ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."—JOHN xvi. 24, 26. | |
During Christ's life upon earth, the disciples had known but little of the power of prayer. In Gethsemane, Peter and the others had utterly failed. They had no conception of what it was to ask in the name of Jesus, and to receive. The Lord promised them that in that day which was coming they would be able to pray with such a power in His name, that they might ask what they would, and it should be given to them. "Hitherto nothing." "In that day ye shall ask in My name and shall receive." These two conditions are still found in the Church. With the great majority of Christians there is such a lack of knowledge of their oneness with Christ Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of prayer, that they do not even attempt to claim the wonderful promises Christ here gives. But where God's children know what it is to abide in Christ and in vital union with Him, and to yield to the Holy Spirit's teaching, they begin to learn that their intercession avails much, and that God will give the power of His Spirit in answer to their prayer. It is faith in; the power of Jesus' name, and in our right to use it, that will give us the courage to follow on where God invites us to the holy office of intercessors. When our Lord Jesus, in His farewell discourse, gave His unlimited prayer promise, He sent the disciples out into the world with this consciousness: "He who sits upon the throne, and who lives in my heart, has promised that what I ask in His name I shall receive. He will do it." Oh, if Christians but knew what it is to yield themselves wholly and absolutely to Jesus Christ and His service, how their eyes would be opened to see that intense and unceasing prayerfulness is the essential mark of the healthy spiritual life; and that the power of all-prevailing intercession will indeed be the portion of those who live only in and for their Lord! Blessed Saviour, give us the grace of the Holy Spirit, so to live in Thee, and with Thee, and for Thee, that we may boldly look to Thee for the assurance that our prayers are heard. AMEN. |