上帝話語的力量 | |
經文: 「你們聽見我們所傳上帝的道就領受了;不以為是人的道,乃以為是上帝的道。這道實在是上帝的,並且運行在你們信主的人心中。」(帖撒羅尼迦前書二:13) | |
「我對你們所說的話就是靈,就是生命。」(約翰福音六:63) 「上帝的道是活潑的,是有功效的。」(希伯來書四:12) 這問題不斷出現:為何上帝的兒女中,這麼少人了解彼此相愛的價值及重要?原因是信心不足。若沒有大的信心,沒有持續恆久的信心,我們不會有愛的浩大能力在我們心裡面。但這信心不同於我們平常所說的,我相信上帝的話那種信心,這種信心是更高層次、更深沈的,是一種深深降服在上帝面前,相信祂的全能,相信祂浩大的復活大能,願意眷顧我們又能動工在我們心中。一個國王,或一個將軍,對他隨從或士兵講的話,具有權威,更何況一個全能的主宰,祂的話語既出,豈不更帶有無限的權能? 我們需要謙卑地來到上帝面前,承認我們毫無能力產生屬天聖潔的愛,那種戰勝罪惡,攻克不信惡習的愛,我們需要求主賜下飢渴慕義的心,強烈地想要擁有這樣的愛,不管要付多大的代價;然後我們才能洞見神話語的真義,並在我們心中產生力量;這樣超自然的大愛,若非藉著內住的聖靈,將上帝的愛澆灌在我們心中,我們是無法做到的。 下一篇我們將提到約翰壹書裡所提到主的愛,那是上帝應許要給聖徒的。每個信徒都應該捫心自問,是不是已經承認了自己的過犯,並且毫無保留地將自己獻上,為要得著這屬天的大愛? 最重要的,是要花時間等候在上帝面前,憑信心相信祂的話要像種子一樣,在我們心田發芽生長,這迸發的新生命,將使我們能愛上帝愛人,就像上帝愛世人那樣。 | |
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Scripture: "Ye received the Word of God, as it is in truth, the Word of God that worketh effectually in you that believe."—1 THESS. ii. 13. | |
"The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life."—JOHN vi. 63. "The Word of Cod is living and active."—HEB. iv. 12. The question constantly recurs: What is the reason that God's children so little realize the great value and absolute necessity of brotherly love? One answer is: Because of unbelief. Without faith, great faith, persevering faith, there can be no thought of the power of love within us. But it is a different faith from what we usually mean, when we say we believe in God's Word. This true faith is deeper and higher. It bows before God in the deep realization of His greatness, of His power to work wonders in our hearts, and of His loving care of us. The word of a king, or a general, has great influence over his soldiers. And how great beyond compare is the Word of the Infinite and Almighty One! It is necessary to be deeply convinced of our utter inability to produce this love, which is holy, and can conquer sin and unbelief. We need a burning desire to receive this heavenly love into our hearts whatever the cost may be. Then at length we shall gain an insight into what God's Word is, as a living power in our hearts. This supernatural power will be the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, living and working within us. In the following portion we shall consider the verses from the first Epistle of John, in which the love of God is promised to believers. Let each Christian ask himself, is he ready to acknowledge his deep sinfulness and want of power, and to yield his heart unreservedly for this love to take possession? And, above all, take time in God's presence to wait on Him in the confidence that His Word will work effectually in us, as a seed of new life. Then we shall love our Lord Jesus, and our brethren, with a love like that with which God has loved us. |