上帝的管家 | |
經文: 「人應當以我們為基督的執事,為上帝奧祕事的管家。所求於管家的,是要他有忠心。」(哥林多前書四:1~2) | |
管家是國王或主人所挑選最信任的人,將財產託負給他管理,將來由他來分配財產給繼承人。在地上基督徒就是上帝大愛——最珍貴資產——的管家,我們的責任就是要把主的愛,分給那些需要愛的人。福音執事是上帝奧祕事的管家,而最大的奧秘就是一切的福份,都是由上帝永恆的大愛流出。 所要求於管家的就是忠心,他需全心全意地投入,把所託負的事,視為終生的志業;在工作崗位上,無論是辦公室或家庭,都要盡心職守。所以上帝的管家,必須每天活在愛中,每天與上帝有美好的交通,不僅對上帝忠心,對周圍的人也要關心其全人的需要,適時又隨時地分享上帝的愛。上帝屬天的愛是個奧祕,它只住在那些專心為主,並以主愛為滿足的人心中,同時也要從他心中流出活水的泉源,滋潤賜福給周圍的人。 喔!上帝的兒女們,追求更深一層地認識「上帝的僕人」意謂著什麼?上帝愛的管家又是指什麼意思?要常常為上帝的僕人切切禱告,讓他們隱藏在全能者的蔭下,就能更多知道上帝愛的奧祕,並盡忠於上帝的家。 而你,我所親愛的弟兄們,別忘了為你釘十字架的耶穌所交付你的事,要常常為你認識的牧師、弟兄姐妹們禱告;因為教會的興旺與否,與你忠心的代禱有密切的關係。保持與上帝美好的關係,你就會有一顆喜樂的心,擁有聖靈的大能,將上帝的愛傳送給有需要的人。 | |
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Scripture: "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."—1 COR. iv. 1, 2. | |
A Steward is the man to whom the king or master entrusts his treasures and goods, to apportion to those who have a right to them. God in heaven needs men on earth to make known the treasures of His love, and to give them to those who have need. The minister of the Gospel is a steward of the mystery of God, and above all of the deep mystery of His everlasting love, and all the blessings that flow from it. It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful; he must devote himself wholly to his life task. He must be faithful at his work, and always at his post in the palace or house where the treasures are stored up. So the minister of the Gospel must himself be faithful, living each day in the love and fellowship of God. He must be faithful not only to God, but to his fellow-men, caring for the needs of the souls entrusted to him, and ready to recommend God's love, and to share it with others. This divine love is a mystery, and can only dwell in a heart set apart for God and satisfied with His love, which flows from Him as a stream of living water. O child of God, seek to have a deeper insight into what the office of a servant of God means, as a steward of the wonderful love of God to sinners. Pray much and often for your ministers that God may hide them in the secret of His tabernacle, so that they may be faithful stewards of the mystery of God, and chiefly of the mystery of Divine Love. And you, my beloved brethren, to whom the love of God in heaven, and of Christ on the cross, is entrusted, remember that your congregation, your Church, and your people are dependent on your faithfulness in living a heavenly life in fellowship with God. Then you will be able with joy, and in the power of the Holy Ghost, to pass on the love of God to souls that so greatly need it. |