壓克力繪畫創作: 栽 種 公 義 收 割 慈 愛 壓克力顏料、木板93cmx60cm

壓克力繪畫創作: 栽 種 公 義 收 割 慈 愛  壓克力顏料、木板93cmx60cm
你 們 要 為 自 己 栽 種 公 義 , 就 能 收 割 慈 愛 。 現 今 正 是 尋 求 耶 和 華 的 時 候 ; 你 們 要 開 墾 荒 地 , 等 他 臨 到 , 使 公 義 如 雨 降 在 你 們 身 上 。(何 西 阿 書 10:12) Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you.( Hosea 10:12)




2011年10月30日 星期日

10/31 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「作見證的原來有三,就是聖靈、水與血,這三樣也都歸於一。」(約翰壹書五:8)
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Scripture: "There are three who bear witness, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one,"—1 JOHN v. 8.
        The water is external, a sign of the renewing and purifying through regeneration used in baptism. The Spirit and the blood are two spiritual expressions, working together in regeneration: the blood for the forgiveness of sins, the Spirit for the renewal of the whole nature. All through life the Spirit and the blood must agree.

        The oneness is spiritual and true. Through the blood we obtain the Spirit, as through the blood we are redeemed and purified unto it to receive the Spirit. Only through the blood can we with confidence pray for and receive the Spirit. O Christian, would you have boldness each day to trust to the guidance of the Spirit, then let your faith in the precious blood be sure and strong.

        There may be some sin in your life of which you are hardly conscious, but which grieves the Spirit and drives Him away. The only way to avoid this is to believe that "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin." Your only right to approach God is through the blood of the Lamb. Come with every sin, known or unknown, and plead the blood of Christ as your only claim on the love that accepts and forgives.

        Nevertheless, do not rest content with the forgiveness of sins, but accept the fulness of the Spirit, to which the blood gives you access. In the Old Testament the priest went into the Holy Place with the blood, and the High Priest into the Holiest of All. With the blood Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary and poured out thence the Holy Spirit. Do not for a moment doubt that you have a right through the blood to the fulness of the Spirit.

        As one who has been redeemed by the blood of Christ, make a complete surrender of yourself to God as His purchased possession, a vessel ready for Him to use, a dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit.

2011年10月29日 星期六

10/30 English 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「何況基督藉著永遠的靈,將自己無瑕無疵獻給上帝,祂的血豈不更能洗淨你們的心,除去你們的死行,使你們事奉那永生上帝麼?」(希伯來書九:14)
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Scripture: "The blood of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish unto God, shall cleanse your conscience to serve the living God."—HEB. ix. 14.
        The connection between the cross and the Spirit is inconceivably close and full of meaning. The Spirit brought Christ to the cross and enabled Him to die there. The cross was to Christ and to the Spirit the culminating point of their desire on earth. The cross gave Christ the right to pray down the Holy Spirit on earth, because He had there made reconciliation for sin. The cross gave Christ the right and the power to grant us the power of the Spirit, because on it He freed us from the power of sin.

        To put it briefly: Christ could not have attained to the heavenly life, or have poured out the Holy Spirit, if He had not first died to sin, to the world, and to His own life. He died to sin that He might live to God. And that is the way the Holy Spirit brings the cross into our hearts. It is only as those who have been crucified with Christ that we can receive the full power of the Spirit. It is because we do not realize how necessary it is to die to all earthly things, that the Spirit cannot gain full possession of us.

        How is it so few Christians understand or experience that the fellowship of the Spirit is a fellowship of the cross? Simply because they do not feel the need of praying for the Spirit of wisdom to give them a deep, spiritual insight into the oneness of the Spirit and the Cross. They try to use their human understanding, but there is too little waiting upon God to teach them divine truths through the Spirit.

        My brother, begin today to ask God to grant you a sight of how the Spirit will take you to the cross of Christ, in fellowship with Him, to die to the world and to sin, so that all things may become new, and you will actually live and walk and work and pray in the Spirit, to the glory of God.

2011年10月28日 星期五

10/28慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「上帝的國,不在乎吃喝,只在乎公義、和平,並聖靈中的喜樂。」(羅馬書十四:17)「但願使人有盼望的上帝,因信,將諸般的喜樂平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力,大有盼望。」(羅馬書十五:13)
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Scripture: "For the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."—ROM. xiv. 17."Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, . . , through the power of the Holy Ghost."—ROM. xv. 13.
        A Christian man said to me, shortly after his conversion: "I always thought that if I became religious it would be impossible for me to do my worldly business. The two things seemed so contrary. I seemed to be a man trying to dig a vine¬yard with a bag of sand on his shoulders. But when I found the Lord, I was so filled with joy that I could do my work cheerfully from morning till night. The bag of sand was gone; the joy of the Lord was my strength for all my work."

        Truly a significant lesson. Many Christians do not understand that the joy of the Lord will keep them and fit them for their work. Even slaves, when filled with the love of Christ, could testify to the happiness that He gave.

        Read the two texts at the heading of this chapter, and see how the kingdom of God is pure joy and peace through the Holy Spirit, and how God will "fill us with all joy and peace in believing," "through the power of the Holy Ghost." Then try to realize that the Holy Spirit will give this joy and peace of Christ in our hearts. To many the thought of the Holy Spirit is a matter of grief and self-reproach, of desire and disappointment, of something too high and holy for them. What a foolish thought, that the great gift of the Father, meant to keep us in the joy and peace of Christ, should be a matter of self-reproach and care!

        Remember Galatians v. 22, and listen attentively to the voice of the Spirit each day as He points to Jesus Christ, who offers you this wonderful fruit: "My Love, My Joy, My Peace." "On whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice greatly with joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Pet. i. 8). Pray in all humility to the Holy Spirit, believing firmly that He will lead you into the joy of the Lord.

2011年10月27日 星期四

10/27 English 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「如經上所說,從他腹中要流出活水的江河來。」(約翰福音七:38)
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Scripture: "He that believeth on Me, out of him shall flow rivers of living "water."—JOHN vii. 38.
        Our Lord, in His conversation with the Samaritan woman, said: "The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." In our text the promise is even greater: rivers of living waters flowing from him, bringing life and blessing to others. John says further that this refers to the Holy Ghost, who should come when Christ had been glorified, for the Holy Spirit was not yet poured out. The Spirit of God was mentioned in the Old Testament, but the Holy Spirit had not yet been given. Christ must first be offered through the eternal Spirit (on the cross) (Heb. ix. 14), and raised from the dead by the spirit of holiness (Rom. i. 4), and receive from the Father power to send forth the Holy Ghost. Then only would the Christian be able to say: Now the Holy Spirit of Christ is in me.

        What do we need in order to experience these two wonderful promises of the well of water and the rivers of living water ? Just one thing—the inner attachment to Christ, and the unreserved surrender to fellowship with Him, and the firm assurance that His Spirit will work in us what we cannot do. In one word: He that believeth on Me. We need a faith that rejoices in the divine might and love, and depends on Him day by day to grant us grace that living water may flow forth from us.

        If the water from a reservoir is to flow into a house all day, one thing is necessary,—the connection must be perfect, then the water passes through the pipe of its own accord. So the union between you and Christ must be uninterrupted; your faith must accept Christ and depend on Him to sustain the new life.

        Let your faith rejoice that Jesus Christ gives us the Holy Spirit, and may you have the assurance that the Holy Spirit is within you as a fountain of blessing.

2011年10月24日 星期一

10/24慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「弟兄們,我從前對你們說話,不能把你們當作屬靈的,只得把你們當作屬肉體,在基督裡為嬰孩的。」(哥林多前書三:1)
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Scripture: "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ."—1 COR. iii. 1.v
        The Apostle here uses three words describing the spiritual condition of a man. There .is the natural man, in his uncon¬verted state—one who cannot "receive the things of the Spirit of God" (1 Cor. ii. 14). There is "the spiritual man, who can dis¬cern spiritual things" (1 Cor. ii. 13, 14). And between the two there is the carnal man, who is called "a babe in Christ," and who lives in jealousy and strife (1 Cor. iii. 3).

        It is important for us to know whether we are carnal Christians, giving way to sin and the lusts of the flesh. With the thought that things cannot be otherwise, we are apt to be content to allow much that is sinful and wrong in our lives. God calls us, and the Spirit draws us, to be spiritual men and women—that is to say, people who pray each day to be led and guided each day into a truly spiritual life.

        When the Lord Jesus promised the Spirit to His disciples, it was in the full expectation that they would yield themselves wholly to the leading and power of the Spirit. And it is in the same expectation that the Spirit will be granted anew each day, if we yield ourselves unreservedly to be sanctified in all our walk and conversation. Oh, that our eyes were open to see how right and how blessed this is!

        Many Christians pray for the Holy Spirit, but always with a certain reservation, for they intend in many things still to do their own will. Oh, Christian, when you pray, entrust yourself fully to the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the whole day. If there is true willingness on your part, then the Holy Spirit will take full possession of you, and will preserve and sanctify your life. Do not serve God half-heartedly. Pray for the enlightenment of the Spirit, that you may see the possibility and the blessedness of a life wholly surrendered to His service.

2011年10月23日 星期日

經文: 「你們若愛我,就必遵守我的命令。我要求父,父就另外賜給你們一位保惠師,叫祂永遠與你們同在。」(約翰福音十四:15~16)
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Scripture: "If ye love Me, ye will keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter."— JOHN xiv. 15, 16.
        Christ would ascend to heaven, and pray the Father to send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He would not only do this once, but it would form part of His intercessory work. He would remain "ever living to make intercession." The continual communication of the Spirit of the Father comes through the Son.

        The Lord tells us here on what conditions He will send the Spirit. If we love Him and keep His commandments: "I will pray the Father." This is a word of deep meaning, a searching word—a word of greatly needed and blessed teaching. The Holy Spirit is given us to enable us to do the will of the Father. The condition is reasonable and just, that as far as we have kept the commandments through the Spirit, the Spirit will be granted to us in fuller measure. As we heartily accept this truth, and yield ourselves willingly to the Spirit's guidance, we shall receive from day to day the fulness of the Spirit. Let us say to God that we accept the condition with all our heart, and will strive to keep His commands, and ask for power to do His commandments more perfectly.

        Do not listen to the whispers of Satan, or give way to unbe¬lief and sloth. Surrender yourself unreservedly to the Lord, who has said: "If ye love me, ye will keep my commands." Love will enable you to do it. The Lord Jesus does not deceive us with a vain hope in this matter. No, He gives the grace, He gives His own love in our hearts, teaching us to say: "I delight to do Thy will." Let us trust Him with childlike faith, and give ourselves wholly—that is all that is necessary—to do His will. Then the beauty of the divine agreement that He makes with us will dawn upon us: "If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love," and the Father will send the Holy Spirit anew each day.

2011年10月21日 星期五

10/21 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將上帝的愛澆灌在我們心裡。」(羅馬書五:5)

2011年10月20日 星期四

10/20 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「你們若專心尋求我,就必尋見。」(耶利米書廿九:13)
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Scripture: "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."—JER. xxix. 13.
        You have often heard it said that if one seeks to perform any great work, he must do it with his whole heart and with all his powers. In worldly affairs this is the secret of success and of victory. And above all in divine things it is indispensable, especially in praying for the Holy Spirit.

        I cannot too earnestly or too urgently repeat that the Holy Spirit desires to have full possession of you. He can be satisfied with nothing less if He is to show His full power in your life. He has the right. Why? Because He is the Almighty God.

        Have you ever realized when you pray for the Holy Spirit, that you are praying for the whole Godhead to take possession of you? Do you really understand this? Or have your prayers had a wrong motive? Were you expecting that God would do something in your heart, but for the rest you must be free to do your own will? That would be a great mistake. The Holy Spirit must have full possession.

        You say, that is just the trouble. You do not feel such a burn¬ing, urgent desire as you ought, and you do not see any chance of its becoming true in your life. God knows about this impotence of yours; He has ordained in His divine Providence that the Holy Spirit shall work within you all you need. What God commands and demands of us, He will Himself work within us. On our part there must be the earnest prayer to the Father each day, and an acceptance of the Holy Spirit as our Leader and Guide.

        Child of God, the Holy Spirit longs to possess you wholly. Take time to give Him your answer, and cast yourself in complete dependence and impotence on the word of His promise, and on His Almighty power at work within you.

2011年10月19日 星期三

10/19 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「願聖靈的感動,常與你們眾人同在。」(哥林多後書十三:14)
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Scripture: "The Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you."—2 COR. xiii. 14.
        In this verse we have one of the chief characteristics and activities of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit through whom the Father and Son are one, and through whom they have fellowship with each other in the Godhead. For the Holy Spirit is the true life of the Godhead.

        We have fellowship with the Father and the Son through the Spirit. "Our fellowship is with the Father and the Son." "Hereby know we that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He has given us" (1 John iii. 24). Through the Spirit we know and experience the fellowship of love in the life with the Father and Son.

        Through the Spirit we, as God's children, have fellowship one with another. In the child of God there should be nothing of the selfishness and self-interest that seeketh its own welfare. We are members of one Body. "It is one Body and one Spirit." And through the Spirit the unity of the Body must be maintained. One reason that the Spirit does not work with greater power in the Church is that the unity of the Spirit is too little sought after. At Pentecost, after ten days spent in united prayer, the one hundred and twenty seemed melted together into one body. They received the Spirit in fellowship with one another.

        We have the fellowship in the bread and wine when we meet at the Communion-table; we have also fellowship one with another in the trials of other members of the Body. Always it is: "The fel¬lowship of the Spirit be with you now and evermore." Remember the words of the text in Galatians about the fruits of the Spirit, and present it to the Spirit in prayer, and so make manifest our love for all God's children.

        In heaven there is an eternal fellowship of love between Father and Son through the Spirit. Do we really long to be filled with the Spirit ? Let us offer ourselves to God, beseeching Him to grant us the unity and the fellowship of the Spirit with all mem¬bers of Christ's Body.

2011年10月18日 星期二

10/18 English 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「豈不知你們是上帝的殿,上帝的靈住在你們裡頭嗎?……因為上帝的殿是聖的,這殿就是你們。」(哥林多前書三:16~17)
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Scripture: "Know ye not, that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."—1 COR. Hi. 16, 17.
        From eternity it was God's desire to create man for a dwelling in which to show forth His glory. Through man's sin this plan was a seeming failure. In His people Israel God sought a means of carrying out His plan. He would have a house in the midst of His people—first a tabernacle, and then a temple—in which He could dwell. This was but a shadow and image of the true indwelling of God in redeemed mankind, who would be His temple to eternity. So we are built up "into a holy temple, for a habitation of God through the Spirit" (Eph. ii. 22).

        In the meantime, since the Holy Spirit has been poured forth, He has His dwelling in each heart that has been cleansed and renewed by the Spirit. The message comes to each believer, however feeble he may be : "Know ye not ? Know ye not ?—that ye are a temple of God?" How little this truth is known or experienced. And yet how true it is, "The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

        Paul testifies of himself: "Christ liveth in me."

        This is the fulness of the Gospel which he preached: the riches of the glory of the mystery, Christ in you. This is what he prayed for so earnestly for believers, that God would strengthen them through His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ might dwell in their hearts by faith. Yes, this is what our Lord Himself promised : "He that loveth Me, and keepeth My words—the Father will love him; and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him." Is it not strange that Christians are so slow to receive and to adore this wonder of grace?

        It is through the Holy Spirit that you will be sanctified into a temple of God, and you will experience that Christ, with the Father, will take up His abode in your heart. Do you desire that the Holy Spirit should teach you to pray? He will do it on this one condition, that you surrender yourself wholly to His guidance.

2011年10月17日 星期一

10/17/2011 以賽亞的苦難(十一)── 堅心倚賴,十分平安

1.信徒阿,你是不是在渴望屬靈的祝福呢?挖開你的溝來,上帝會用想不到的方法來填滿它們的。──A. B. Simpson

2011年10月15日 星期六

10/15 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「無論作什麼,或說話、或行事,都要奉主耶穌的名,藉著祂感謝天父上帝。」(歌羅西書三:17)
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Scripture: 'Whatsoever ye do, in word or in deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." .—COL. iii. 17.
        At the close of your prayer it is always well to add a request for the "Spirit of Remembrance"; "He shall bring all things to your remembrance" all through the day, so that the prayers of the morning may not be counteracted by the work of the day. Read the text at the head of this passage once more, prayerfully.

        Have you ever realized that it is a command ? Is it the aim of your life to obey it, and to fulfil its injunctions? This may be difficult, but it is not impossible, or God would not have asked it of us. God's Word has a wonderful power to preserve the spirit of thanksgiving in our lives. When we rise in the morning let us thank God for the rest of the night in "the Name of the Lord Jesus," and in His Name let us at night thank Him for the mercies of the day. The ordinary daily life, full of most ordinary duties, will thus be lightened by the thought of what God has done for us for Christ's sake. Each ordinary deed will lead to thankfulness that He has given us the power to perform it.

        At first it may seem impossible to remember the Lord Jesus in everything, and to do all in His Name, yet the mere endeavor will strengthen us. Even as a mother is conscious of her love for her little child all through the day's hard work, so the love of Christ will enable us to live all day in His Presence. We need to completely surrender ourselves—to live for God all the day.

2011年10月14日 星期五

10/14 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「上帝的道是活潑的,是有功效的。」(希伯來書四:12)
        上帝的每一句話,每一個應許,都帶有能力,若我們將它存記在心,反覆思想並喜愛它,就一定會發旺成長,結出仁義的果子。將自己沈浸在上帝的話語中,直到你心湧出一個確據。雖然我心冷淡沈寂,但上帝的話活潑有功效,能在我心裡動工,激發我的愛心、信心。 聖靈會教導我們如何禱告,信徒藉著禱告表達心中的慾望與需要,聖經的話也成為禱告的方向與內容;但是若沒有聖靈的幫助,我們就很難明白上帝在我們身上的工作,因此我們要常常求聖靈這位導師,教導我們如何有個切實且又甘甜的禱告生活。
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Scripture: "The Word of God is living and active."—HEB. iv. 12.
        I find it a great help to use much of God's Word in my prayers. If the Holy Spirit impresses a certain text upon my mind, I take it to the Throne of Grace and plead the promise. This habit increases our faith, reminds us of God's promises, and brings us into harmony with God's will. We learn to pray according to God's will, and understand that we can only expect an answer when our prayers are in accordance with that will (1 John v. 14).

        Prayer is like fire. The fire can only burn brightly if it is supplied with good fuel. That fuel is God's Word, which must not only be studied carefully and prayerfully, but must be taken into the heart and lived out in the life. The inspiration and powerful working of the Holy Spirit alone can do this.

        By thoughts such as these we gain a deeper insight into the value and power of God's Word, as a seed of eternal life. We are all familiar with the characteristics of a seed—a small grain in which the life-power of a whole tree slumbers. If it is placed in the soil it will grow and increase and become a large tree.
Each word or promise of God is a seed containing a divine life in it. If I carry it in my heart by faith, love it and meditate on it, it will surely but slowly spring up and bring forth the fruits of righteousness. Think over this until you gain the assurance: although my heart seems cold and dead, the Word of God will work within me the disposition promised in His Word.

        The Holy Spirit uses both the Word and prayer. Prayer is the expression of our human need and desire. The Word of God is the means that the Holy Spirit teaches us to use as a guide to what God will do for us, and the demonstration of the secret working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, by which God Himself fulfils His promise, and gives us what we could not obtain without the help of the Spirit.

2011年10月10日 星期一

10/10 English 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「我們也信,所以也說話。」(哥林多後書四:13)
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Scripture: "Having the same spirit of faith, we also believe."—2 COR. iv. 13.
        Do you begin to realize why it is so important to commit to memory the text, Gal. v. 22 ? It will strengthen the desire in our hearts to have and to hold the fruits of the Spirit within us. Our expectation of the blessing God will give will be enlarged. Let us pause a while on the two last fruits of the Spirit—Faith and Temperance.

        When the disciples asked the Lord: "Why could we not cast out the evil spirit?"—His reply was: "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Their faith was not powerful enough, and even if they had prayed, they had not the zeal and self-sacrifice needed for prevailing prayer. Here we see the union of faith and temperance.

        Faith is a fruit of the Spirit—and leads the seeking soul to depend on God alone. Faith believes God's Word, and clings to Him, and waits in perfect trust that His power will work within us all that He has promised. The whole life of the Christian each day is a faith life.

        Let us now think of Temperance. This refers in the first place to eating and drinking, and leads us to restraint, carefulness, and unselfishness in our conversation, our desires, in all our intercourse with one another. Our motto should be: "Forsaking all worldly desires, to live righteously and godly and temperately in all things." Temperate in all our dealings with the world and its temptations. Righteous in the doing of God's will. Devout in the close communion with God Himself.

        Faith and temperance are both fruits of the Spirit. When we ask the Spirit to teach us to pray, we open our hearts towards Him that He may grant us the fruits of the Spirit, faith and tem¬perance, to influence our daily lives in our intercourse with God and man.

        Learn this text by heart, and let the promptings of the Spirit in your heart each day lead you to the Father, that He may grant the fruits of the Spirit in your inner life, which will be seen in all your actions.

2011年10月9日 星期日

10/9 司布真每日靈修(夜) Evening by Evening

經文: 耶穌卻一言不答。(馬太福音十五:23)
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Evening, October 9
Scripture: “But he answered her not a word.”(Matthew 15:23)
        Genuine seekers who as yet have not obtained the blessing, may take comfort from the story before us. The Saviour did not at once bestow the blessing, even though the woman had great faith in him. He intended to give it, but he waited awhile. “He answered her not a word.” Were not her prayers good? Never better in the world. Was not her case needy? Sorrowfully needy. Did she not feel her need sufficiently? She felt it overwhelmingly. Was she not earnest enough? She was intensely so. Had she no faith? She had such a high degree of it that even Jesus wondered, and said, “O woman, great is thy faith.” See then, although it is true that faith brings peace, yet it does not always bring it instantaneously. There may be certain reasons calling for the trial of faith, rather than the reward of faith. Genuine faith may be in the soul like a hidden seed, but as yet it may not have budded and blossomed into joy and peace. A painful silence from the Saviour is the grievous trial of many a seeking soul, but heavier still is the affliction of a harsh cutting reply such as this, “It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.” Many in waiting upon the Lord find immediate delight, but this is not the case with all. Some, like the jailer, are in a moment turned from darkness to light, but others are plants of slower growth. A deeper sense of sin may be given to you instead of a sense of pardon, and in such a case you will have need of patience to bear the heavy blow. Ah! poor heart, though Christ beat and bruise thee, or even slay thee, trust him; though he should give thee an angry word, believe in the love of his heart. Do not, I beseech thee, give up seeking or trusting my Master, because thou hast not yet obtained the conscious joy which thou longest for. Cast thyself on him, and perseveringly depend even where thou canst not rejoicingly hope.

2011年10月7日 星期五

10/7 司布真每日靈修(夜) Evening by Evening

經文: 你到底倚靠誰。(以賽亞書三十六:5)
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Evening, October 7
Scripture: “Now on whom dost thou trust?”(Isaiah 36:5)
        Reader, this is an important question. Listen to the Christian's answer, and see if it is yours. “On whom dost thou trust?” “I trust,” says the Christian, “in a triune God. I trust the Father, believing that he has chosen me from before the foundations of the world; I trust him to provide for me in providence, to teach me, to guide me, to correct me if need be, and to bring me home to his own house where the many mansions are. I trust the Son. Very God of very God is he—the man Christ Jesus. I trust in him to take away all my sins by his own sacrifice, and to adorn me with his perfect righteousness. I trust him to be my Intercessor, to present my prayers and desires before his Father's throne, and I trust him to be my Advocate at the last great day, to plead my cause, and to justify me. I trust him for what he is, for what he has done, and for what he has promised yet to do. And I trust the Holy Spirit—he has begun to save me from my inbred sins; I trust him to drive them all out; I trust him to curb my temper, to subdue my will, to enlighten my understanding, to check my passions, to comfort my despondency, to help my weakness, to illuminate my darkness; I trust him to dwell in me as my life, to reign in me as my King, to sanctify me wholly, spirit, soul, and body, and then to take me up to dwell with the saints in light for ever.”

        Oh, blessed trust! To trust him whose power will never be exhausted, whose love will never wane, whose kindness will never change, whose faithfulness will never fail, whose wisdom will never be nonplussed, and whose perfect goodness can never know a diminution! Happy art thou, reader, if this trust is thine! So trusting, thou shalt enjoy sweet peace now, and glory hereafter, and the foundation of thy trust shall never be removed.

2011年10月6日 星期四

10/7 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「天父豈不更將聖靈給求祂的人麼?」(路加福音十一:13)
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Scripture: "How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"—LUKE xi. 13.
        The writer of a little book on Prayer tells us that he has learned through his own experience the secret of a better prayer life, and would gladly pass on that which has helped him. As he was meditating on prayer, the great thought came with power, that we are now living in the dispensation of the Spirit. He says: "I felt deeply that in this time of the working of the Holy Spirit, all we may do in God's service is of little value unless it is inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit. This brought me to the well-known, precious, and inexhaustible text, 'How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?'"

        I felt anew that the main thing for each of us is to receive, afresh from the Father, the Holy Spirit for our daily needs and daily life. Without this we cannot please God, nor can we be of any real help to our fellow-men. This brought the further thought that our prayers, if they are to raise our loves to fulfil God's purpose, must have their origin in God Himself, the highest source of power. Water cannot rise higher than its source. And so it happens that if the Holy Spirit prays through us, as human channels or conduits, our prayers will rise again to God, who is their source, and the prayers will be answered by the Divine working in ourselves and in others. "I believe more and more," says the writer, "that the Christian life of each one of us depends chiefly on the quality of our prayers and not on the quantity."

        What material for thought is here, for deep meditation, for earnest prayer! When you pray today, ask the Heavenly Father to give you the Holy Spirit afresh for this day. He yearns to do it.

        Father, grant me now the working of Thy Holy Spirit, that I may learn to pray.

10/6 司布真每日靈修(夜) Evening by Evening

經文: 摩西取了古實女子為妻。(民數記十二:1)
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Evening, October 6
Scripture: “He had married an Ethiopian woman.”(Numbers 12:1)
        Strange choice of Moses, but how much more strange the choice of him who is a prophet like unto Moses, and greater than he! Our Lord, who is fair as the lily, has entered into marriage union with one who confesses herself to be black, because the sun has looked upon her. It is the wonder of angels that the love of Jesus should be set upon poor, lost, guilty men. Each believer must, when filled with a sense of Jesus’ love, be also overwhelmed with astonishment that such love should be lavished on an object so utterly unworthy of it. Knowing as we do our secret guiltiness, unfaithfulness, and black-heartedness, we are dissolved in grateful admiration of the matchless freeness and sovereignty of grace. Jesus must have found the cause of his love in his own heart, he could not have found it in us, for it is not there. Even since our conversion we have been black, though grace has made us comely. Holy Rutherford said of himself what we must each subscribe to—“His relation to me is, that I am sick, and he is the Physician of whom I stand in need. Alas! how often I play fast and loose with Christ! He bindeth, I loose; he buildeth, I cast down; I quarrel with Christ, and he agreeth with me twenty times a day!” Most tender and faithful Husband of our souls, pursue thy gracious work of conforming us to thine image, till thou shalt present even us poor Ethiopians unto thyself, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. Moses met with opposition because of his marriage, and both himself and his spouse were the subjects of an evil eye. Can we wonder if this vain world opposes Jesus and his spouse, and especially when great sinners are converted? for this is ever the Pharisee's ground of objection, “This man receiveth sinners.” Still is the old cause of quarrel revived, “Because he had married an Ethiopian woman.”

2011年10月5日 星期三

10/6 English 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

經文: 「在基督耶穌裡,受割禮不受割禮全無功效,惟獨使人生發仁愛的信心,才有功效。」(加拉太書五:6)
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Scripture: "In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith working through love."—GAL. v. 6.
        "Faith is the root: Love is the fruit. Faith becomes strong in the love of God and of Christ. Faith in God and love to the brethren must always go hand in hand. Faith in God's wonderful love, shed abroad in our hearts, enables us to live always in love towards our fellow-men. This true faith gives us power for a life of fervent, all-embracing love.

        Yet how little the Church realize? of all this! How seldom does the preacher lay stress on a Christlike love to the brethren, as the fruit and joy of the life of faith!

        All of our life—in the home, between father and mother, par¬ents and children, brothers and sisters, friends and servants— should be a life in the love of Christ. Do not say: "It is impos¬sible." All things are possible to God, who through His Holy Spirit will shed His love in our hearts to be lived out in our daily lives. Let our faith cling to God's Word, and to the unseen and wonderful things He will do for us each day. Let these thoughts about love impel us to accept with new and greater faith the Love of God, and then dedicate our lives to letting it radiate from us to all men, yes, even to our enemies, and to the heathen at the uttermost parts of the earth.

        O Christian, the whole of salvation lies in these two words —Faith and Love. Let our faith each day take deeper root in God's eternal love. And then each day the fruit of the Spirit will be love in all our intercourse with those around us. May God imprint these words deeply in our hearts, and make them a joy and strength to us—In Jesus Christ nothing avails, but "love working through faith,"