聖靈與寶血 | |
經文: 「作見證的原來有三,就是聖靈、水與血,這三樣也都歸於一。」(約翰壹書五:8) | |
水是外在的物質,受洗時藉著浸水禮,表徵潔淨與更新。聖靈與寶血則有內在屬靈的意義,寶血用來洗淨罪惡,聖靈則用來更新性情,終其一生,寶血與聖靈必須攜手合作,才能讓屬靈的生命成長。 寶血與聖靈合一是理所當然的,因為藉著寶血潔淨罪惡,我們才能得著聖靈;因為若不藉著寶血,我們的罪就無法得赦免,相對的,我們也無法呼求阿爸父將聖靈賞賜我們心中。親愛的弟兄姐妺們,你們有沒有每天坦然無懼地來到施恩寶座前,求聖靈的引導,讓你的信心,因著寶血潔淨之故,就越發增長。 在生活中你或有隱而未現的罪,這些都令聖靈擔憂,且因著你不夠聖潔,聖靈就無法親近你。唯一的方法就是相信「耶穌的寶血能洗淨我們一切的罪。」因為若非藉著羔羊的血,我們就無法接近上帝,所以只管按著我們的本相,帶著我們已知或不知的罪,來到十字架面前,求上帝赦免我們,接納我們。 然而,切勿自滿於罪得赦免即可,因為這只是救恩的開端,更要靠著寶血親近上帝,祈求聖靈的充滿。舊約時代只有祭司能帶著獻祭的血,進到至聖所,大祭司則可到至聖所。但現在耶穌這位大祭司,則以祂無罪之身,將自己獻為挽回祭,進入天上的至聖所,藉此將聖靈澆灌下來。切莫絲毫懷疑上帝的應許,就是靠著耶穌的寶血,我們有權利來到天父上帝面前,享受那聖靈的豐盛恩典。 我們既是寶血重價買贖歸回的蒙恩罪人,就理當將自己獻上做為活祭,讓聖靈內住,成為一個合用的器皿,為上帝所用,阿們! | |
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Scripture: "There are three who bear witness, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one,"—1 JOHN v. 8. | |
The water is external, a sign of the renewing and purifying through regeneration used in baptism. The Spirit and the blood are two spiritual expressions, working together in regeneration: the blood for the forgiveness of sins, the Spirit for the renewal of the whole nature. All through life the Spirit and the blood must agree. The oneness is spiritual and true. Through the blood we obtain the Spirit, as through the blood we are redeemed and purified unto it to receive the Spirit. Only through the blood can we with confidence pray for and receive the Spirit. O Christian, would you have boldness each day to trust to the guidance of the Spirit, then let your faith in the precious blood be sure and strong. There may be some sin in your life of which you are hardly conscious, but which grieves the Spirit and drives Him away. The only way to avoid this is to believe that "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin." Your only right to approach God is through the blood of the Lamb. Come with every sin, known or unknown, and plead the blood of Christ as your only claim on the love that accepts and forgives. Nevertheless, do not rest content with the forgiveness of sins, but accept the fulness of the Spirit, to which the blood gives you access. In the Old Testament the priest went into the Holy Place with the blood, and the High Priest into the Holiest of All. With the blood Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary and poured out thence the Holy Spirit. Do not for a moment doubt that you have a right through the blood to the fulness of the Spirit. As one who has been redeemed by the blood of Christ, make a complete surrender of yourself to God as His purchased possession, a vessel ready for Him to use, a dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit. |