十二月十七日 | |
經文: 我就是門。凡從我進來的,必然得救,並且出入得草吃。(約翰福音十:9) | |
耶穌,偉大的「我是」,是進入真正教會的門和通往上帝的道路。凡願意藉祂到上帝面前的人,祂就賜給他們四種上好的特權。他必然得救。凡接受耶穌作為他們靈魂的信心之門的人,一個也不會喪失。藉耶穌得以進入安息,表示他也可以藉耶穌進入天國。耶穌是唯一的門,敞開的門,也是安全的門。把進入榮耀之盼望建立於受苦的救贖主身上是有福的。他能進入。他獲得進入上帝家的特權,可以分享兒女們的餅,可以分享他們一切的快樂。他能進入與上帝相交的內室,享受祂的愛筵,得著立約之寶藏,並進入應許的庫房。在聖靈的大能下,他得以到萬王之王跟前,主的奧秘將與他同在。他能出去。這一福份常被人遺忘。我們出去,進入世界,勞苦並受苦,但是在耶穌的名下,在祂的權能中出去,是何等喜樂!我們蒙召為真理作見證,使喪膽者得鼓舞,使疏忽者得警告,去贏取靈魂,去榮耀上帝。主喜悅我們在祂的名下,在祂的大能中,為祂作使者,奮勇前進。他要得草吃。認識耶穌的人,永不缺乏。以耶穌為他一切所有的人,將在耶穌裏面得著一切。他的心靈如同得滋潤的花園。 |
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Evening, December 17 | |
Scripture: “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”(John 10:9) | |
Jesus, the great I AM, is the entrance into the true church, and the way of access to God himself. He gives to the man who comes to God by him four choice privileges. 1. He shall be saved. The fugitive manslayer passed the gate of the city of refuge, and was safe. Noah entered the door of the ark, and was secure. None can be lost who take Jesus as the door of faith to their souls. Entrance through Jesus into peace is the guarantee of entrance by the same door into heaven. Jesus is the only door, an open door, a wide door, a safe door; and blessed is he who rests all his hope of admission to glory upon the crucified Redeemer. 2. He shall go in. He shall be privileged to go in among the divine family, sharing the children's bread, and participating in all their honours and enjoyments. He shall go in to the chambers of communion, to the banquets of love, to the treasures of the covenant, to the storehouses of the promises. He shall go in unto the King of kings in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the secret of the Lord shall be with him. 3. He shall go out. This blessing is much forgotten. We go out into the world to labour and suffer, but what a mercy to go in the name and power of Jesus! We are called to bear witness to the truth, to cheer the disconsolate, to warn the careless, to win souls, and to glorify God; and as the angel said to Gideon, “Go in this thy might,” even thus the Lord would have us proceed as his messengers in his name and strength. 4. He shall find pasture. He who knows Jesus shall never want. Going in and out shall be alike helpful to him: in fellowship with God he shall grow, and in watering others he shall be watered. Having made Jesus his all, he shall find all in Jesus. His soul shall be as a watered garden, and as a well of water whose waters fail not. |