上帝的同在 | |
經文: 「凡求告耶和華的,就是誠心求告祂的,耶和華便與他們相近。」(詩篇一四五:18) | |
你渴望不間歇地親近上帝嗎?這兒有一個秘訣,就是禱告,不斷地禱告,你就會得到一個確據:「上帝親近那求告祂名的人。」禱告有一種奇妙的力量,可以讓你親近上帝,與祂同在。上帝是全能且無所不在,祂樂意隨時與人有不間斷的溝通。 你知道如何與上帝保持不間斷的溝通?答案很簡單。首先,要明白上帝就在你身旁,就在你心裡,你可以很自然地跟祂談話,隨時將自己的需要告訴祂。這就是禱告生活的秘訣,保羅說:「我晝夜切切的祈求。」(帖前三:10) 如果你與上帝的關係,只是在有麻煩的時候,才來向祂禱告,那還不夠親密。真正的基督徒是每時每刻與主相親,「他們因祢的名終日歡樂。」(詩八九:16)父子之間的親情是綿延不斷的,禱告生活更是每日我們生活的一部份,如同呼吸、睡覺一樣,不可或缺。總之,屬靈生活的秘訣,就是兩項原則——完全地倚靠這位看不見的上帝,並且每時每刻宣告祂的同在。 上帝永遠在你身旁,所以你可隨時求告祂的名,根據保羅所說:「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求和感謝,將你們所要的告訴上帝,上帝所賜出人意外的平安,必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念。」(腓四:6~7)記得兩件事:上帝永遠在你身旁,而且祂有豐盛的慈愛與恩典;此外,那軟弱無助、求告主名的,祂必垂聽並且回答。 | |
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Scripture: "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth."—Ps. cxlv. 18. | |
You long to experience continually the nearness of God. Here is the secret: Pray, pray without ceasing. Then you will have the assurance: "The Lord is nigh unto all who call upon Him." Prayer has a wonderful power of helping us to draw near to God, and keeping us in His presence. God is everywhere, and as the Almighty One is ever ready and able to grant us unbroken fellowship with Him. Would you know the secret of always abiding in a state of prayerfulness ? The answer is clear. Realize first that God is near you, and within you, then you will feel how natural it is to talk with Him each moment about your needs and desires. This is the secret of the prayerful life, of which Paul writes: "Night and day praying exceedingly" (1 Thess. iii. 10). It is only when you live a life apart from God that you say: "I must take time, I must take trouble first of all to find God before I can pray." But to the true Christian, life is a constant abiding with the Father. "In Thy Name do they rejoice all the day" (Ps. Ixxxix. 16). The intercourse between the Father and His child should be contin¬uous. Even so prayer may become a daily life activity, like breath¬ing or sleeping, instead of something that is brought into use only once a day. The principle of complete dependence on the unseen God, and the holy habit of claiming His presence with us each moment of the day—this is the secret of a life of true godliness. God always near, so that you may call upon Him at all times. According to the word of St. Paul, you will be "anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds." Remember these two things: A God always near, with His infinite and abundant grace; and His child in utter weakness, calling upon One who will surely hear and answer. |