羔羊得勝者 | |
經文: 「弟兄勝過祂,是因羔羊的血,和自己所見證的道,他們雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。」(啟示錄十二:11) | |
羔羊是萬王之王,萬主之主,祂得勝每一個仇敵;那些被揀選的弟兄姐妹,將與羔羊同在,且與祂一起作王。他們得勝仇敵是靠著羔羊的血,因著對羔羊寶血及能力有信心,我們就確信每個仇敵都已被打敗,寶血也保守每一位得勝者在祂的能力中——這是得勝罪惡、得勝世界的秘訣。每一天在靈修時,因著寶血的塗抹,我們得以成為得勝者。基督的精兵哪!記住每一次的得勝,都是靠基督寶血而成的。 不要只求自己的救恩與祝福而已。經上不是說:「得勝也是因他所見證的道」嗎?所以基督耶穌見證:「但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,……作我的見證。」(徒一:8)在我們彰顯上帝的愛,見證耶穌寶血的能力,並為上帝搶救人心歸向祂時,仇敵撒但就將被打敗。 經上又說:「他們雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。」這就是為什麼耶穌會被殺,死在十架上,得回最後的勝利,贏得寶座上的位置。 那些跟隨祂的人,無論羔羊往那兒去,他們都緊緊跟隨,而且全心全意地來服事祂:「雖至於死,也不愛惜性命。」就像世上的臣民向他們君王甘心樂意納稅獻貢一般,基督徒也樂意在各樣的大小事上,都盡心盡意地來服事耶穌。 親愛的神國子民,若你們嚮往將來能得冠冕,與耶穌一同作主,現在就要緊緊地跟隨耶穌,效法祂的榜樣,信靠祂寶血能力的保守,並牢記祂為我們所做的一切犧牲,並願意報答祂的宏恩,全心服事祂,即使犧牲生命也在所不惜。 | |
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Scripture: "They overcame him [the old serpent, the devil], because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony ; and they loved not their life even unto death." — REV. xii. 11. | |
The Lamb is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and is the Victor over every enemy ; and those who are with Him, the called, the chosen and faithful, reign with Him. They conquered the foe through the blood of the Lamb. Faith in the power of Christ and His blood, in the assurance that every foe has been vanquished, and that the blood now makes each one a conqueror in the power of God — this is the secret over sin and the world. The daily fellowship with Christ in the sprinkling of the blood makes us to triumph daily. Christian warrior — remember that there is victory through the blood of the Lamb! Do not seek only your own salvation or blessedness. Note that, They overcame because of the word of their testimony. Here is that which Christ promised : "Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you : and ye shall be My witnesses" (Acts i. 8). As we make known the love of God, and witness to the power of the blood, and strive ever to bring souls to God, the enemy will be overcome, and souls will be rescued from his power. And then again: "They loved not their life even unto death." This was the way the Chief Captain, the Lamb that was slain, gained the victory, and won His place in the midst of the Throne. Those who follow the Lamb, whithersoever He goeth, follow Him in this particular : they have dedicated themselves wholly to His service, and "loved not their life even unto death." As the sub¬jects of an earthly king offer themselves with enthusiasm to his service when needed, so they count nothing too great or too small in the service of the Lamb. Dear children of God, if you would in the end be crowned as conquerors in life, be faithful followers of the Lamb. Live as He did. Let your trust in the wonderful life-giving power of the blood, and the remembrance of all that He has done for you, be joined to the intense feeling that reckons even life not too precious to be offered up wholly for Him. |