進深的生活 | |
經文: 「有落在土淺石頭地上的,土既不深,發苗最快。」(馬太福音十三:5) | |
那落在土淺石頭地的種子,因土既不深,發苗最快,但太陽一出來,根就枯乾了,因為土不深。有許多基督徒剛開始很敬虔,但好景不常,過一陣子,就見異思遷。基督徒需要進深的生命,讓我們跨過信仰的開端,進到實際愛的大海洋,誠如保羅的禱告:「使基督因你們的信,住在你們心裡,叫你們的愛心,有根有基,能以和眾聖徒一同明白基督的愛,是何等長闊高深。並知道這愛是過於人所能測度的,便叫上帝一切所充滿的,充滿了你們。」(弗三:17~19)保羅為基督徒禱告,讓他們的愛心建在耶穌磐石上,是最有根有基的,而且真正明白這愛是何等長闊高深,超過人所能測度。保羅相信基督徒的生命能像眾聖徒那樣,充滿上帝一切的豐盛。 我們又如何達到這地步呢?惟有「膝蓋功夫」——謙卑地屈膝在天父面前禱告,「祂就要按著榮耀的豐富,賞賜祂榮美的生命給我們。」——這真是太美好了!我們裡面那個人要藉聖靈的工作強化起來,而唯有活在有根有基的愛中,才能體會聖靈偉大能力的運行。而最重要的是,耶穌以祂永遠大愛的保證,願意每天住在我們心中,讓我們在祂的愛中生根建造,使生命更趨成熟豐盛。 親愛的弟兄姐妹們,我懇求你們,花時間跪在天父面前禱告,默想上帝的話,讓上帝的道化成我們的生命,常常與這位愛我們的主耶穌溝通談心,或許我們可徹悟上帝不惜將其獨生愛子,捨命作世人禮物,是如何一番昊天罔極的大愛! | |
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Scripture: "And others fell upon the rocky places, where they had not much earth: and straightway they sprang up, because they had no deepness of earth."—MATT. xiii. 5. | |
The seed sown upon the rocky places where the soil was superficial sprang up quickly, but it withered as quickly because there was no deepness of earth. We have here a striking picture of so much religion which begins well, but which does not endure. The Christian needs a deeper life. Let your whole life be an entrance into that love which passeth knowledge. In Ephesians iii. 17-19, St. Paul prays "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend what is the depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God." He prays that Christians may stand rooted first in the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, realizing and acknowledging that the depth of this love passeth knowledge. He believes it possible for the soul of a Christian to be so rooted in this love that he may be filled with all the fulness of God in such measure as may be granted to a saint upon earth. And how may we attain to this? "I bow my knees unto the Father." The way to remain rooted in love is in humble prayer upon your knees before God. Furthermore, "That He would grant yon according to the riches of His glory"—great indeed, and wonderful—"that ye may be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inward man." Only in the life that knows the powerful working of the Spirit is such a life rooted in love possible. And yet more: "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith." The most important is that Christ in His everlasting love shall dwell in you every day, insuring a life ever more deeply rooted in the love of Him who gave Himself for us. I beseech you, dear child of God, take time to bow before the Lord in prayer, and thus meditate upon, and appropriate, these words. Do not grudge time or trouble. Commune with the Christ who loved you with the same love with which the Father loved Him, that so you may get an insight into the greatness of the condescension of that love to you. |