寶座上的羔羊 | |
經文: 「升入高天尊榮的大祭司,就是上帝的兒子耶穌……,祂也曾凡事受過試探,與我們一樣,只是祂沒有犯罪。所以我們只管坦然無懼的,來到施恩的寶座前。」(希伯來書四:14~16) | |
親愛的弟兄姊妹們,你可曾想過,上帝可以用更便捷的方法拯救我們而不用讓耶穌上十字架?但上帝卻選擇用與祂同等的神子耶穌,如馴服柔順的羔羊,被釘在十字架上受死,來贏得我們的心。 在上帝以耶穌的寶血做我們罪的贖價後,上帝就把祂升至寶座上,凡靠著耶穌寶血進到上帝寶座面前的,都可以坦然無懼地來求憐憫、得幫助,上帝也悅納垂聽他們的祈求。 是的,上帝已盡祂所能的召喚祂的百姓親近祂,也賜給我們一個保證,凡靠著耶穌基督——這位能體恤我們軟弱的大祭司,進到上帝寶座面前的人,無論多麼軟弱,不全的禱告,祂都願垂聽,祂也照我們的本相,完全的接納我們。 喔!弟兄姊妹們,要花時間親近上帝,默想我們正肅立靜默在羔羊寶座面前,用最謙卑的態度,用最單純的信心,用最純全的愛,來敬拜這位中保耶穌——全能的大祭司。當聖靈引導你進入沉靜敬拜的境界,那在你心中升起的羔羊寶座,就是施恩寶座,你不用做什麼,只要俯伏在祂面前敬拜、讚美,將祂應得的榮耀頌讚歸給祂,直到永永遠遠。 如此,你的心將成為聖靈的殿,在那兒每天時時刻刻我們心中要湧出歡樂詩歌:「救恩歸於我們的上帝,那坐在寶座上的羔羊!」 當我們的心充滿了對主耶穌的愛,這位寶座上的羔羊也將我們的心願、禱告,陳明在上帝面前,因著耶穌在上帝面前蒙愛的緣故,我們也確信上帝必要很快地回答我們的禱告,使我們的心充滿喜樂。 | |
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Scripture: "Having then a great High Priest . . . Jesus the Son of God . . . One that hath been in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us draw near with boldness unto the Throne of Grace."—HEB. iv. 14-16. | |
Can you imagine, O child of God, any way by which the Father could have given us greater boldness of access, than by giving His only Son as a Lamb upon earth, with His godlike, gentle dis¬position, to win our hearts to Him? After Jesus had given Him¬self on the Cross, a ransom for our sins, God placed Him in the midst of the Throne, that we as sinners might have perfect boldness through His blood, to present our prayers through Him, in full assurance that He, as Intercessor, will make them acceptable to the Father. Truly the holy God has done His utmost to draw us to Himself, and to grant us heavenly boldness to pray with the assurance that our defective prayers, through the Lamb on the Throne, the sympathizing High Priest, will be heard, and find acceptance with God the Father. O my brother, take time, with the vision of the Lamb on the Throne before you, to give you boldness—take time in deepest humility and childlike faith, and with all the love of which your heart is capable, to worship Him as your Surety and Intercessor and great High Priest. When the Holy Spirit has given that vision of the Lamb on the Throne unto your heart, it will indeed be a Throne of Grace, and you can do nothing less than fall prostrate before Him in adoration and praise, and give Him the glory to all eternity. Your heart will then become a true temple of God, where, day by day, yea, hour by hour, the song will arise: "Salvation be unto our God who sitteth upon the Throne, and to the Lamb." When our hearts are filled with love for the Lamb upon the Throne, who makes our prayers acceptable to God the Father, then we shall have the joy and the faith to expect a speedy answer. |