上帝的心意 | |
經文: 「猶大眾人為所起的誓歡喜,因他們是盡心起誓,盡意尋求耶和華,耶和華就被他們尋見。」(歷代志下十五:15) | |
意志之於人,猶如舵之於船,掌管全身。許多人因為不肯聽從良心的聲音,所以成為罪的奴僕。也有許多基督徒在禱告生活上沒有長進,因為他們不敢大膽地說:「靠著上帝的幫助,以及良心的提醒,我願做上帝吩咐的一切事;並且挪時間和祂相處,向祂禱告。」 在禱告生活的操練中,難免遇到類似的狀況:思想不能集中,時間太匆促短暫,內容過於膚淺公式化。但是,我們要鞭策自己,決心不要落入這樣的光景裡,一定要全心全意地來愛上帝,求告祂的名。 這不是件容易的工作,我們需要很冷靜地面對這樣的情況,並且很熱誠地持續禱告;仰望聖靈的幫助:「上帝啊!求祢祝福以下分別為聖的時間,讓我能專心一致地敬拜祢。」剛開始,或許會覺得很難,但上帝看中你的心意,也願意回應你的禱告,這段時間就不會如此難挨。 那專心尋求的,必能尋見。上帝實在是樂於施恩,但我們若不全心全意地尋求祂、渴慕祂,祂就無法在我們心中做工,祝福我們。所以要常如此禱告:「天父啊!我要全心全意地尋求祢的面。」 | |
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Scripture: "All Judah rejoiced, for they had sought Him with their whole desire; and He was found of them."—2 CHRON. xv. 15. | |
The will is the royal faculty of the soul; it rules over the whole man. Many people become the slaves of sin because they do not decide with a firm will to listen to the voice of conscience. Many Christians make no advance in the prayer-life because they have not the courage to say with a strong purpose of will: "By God's help I will do all that God's Word and my own conscience bid me do. I will make time for prayer and quiet fellowship with Him." In the practice of prayer it is quite indispensable to say in regard to wandering thoughts, or the brevity and haste of our prayers, or their formality and superficiality, "I will not give way to these things, / will call upon God with all my heart and strength." This is not an easy task. One must face the position calmly and decide to go on praying without any real zeal or earnestness, or else look to God to help them by His Holy Spirit to say: "In the few minutes that I spend with God and His Word I am determined to give the time with an undivided heart." Keep on, even though you find it difficult. You will find it easier each time you say to God: "Lord, I can be satisfied with nothing less; / will seek Thee with my whole heart." All Judah sought the Lord with their whole desire (or will), and He was found of them. God is longing to bless you, but is unable to do so as long as you are not willing to give yourself unreservedly, and with all the strength of your will, to let Him work out His will in you. Speak it out in God's Presence: "Father, I will seek Thee with all my heart and will." |