屬天的生活 | |
經文: 「在城裡有上帝和羔羊的寶座,祂的僕人都要事奉祂;也要見祂的面,祂的名字必寫在他們的額上。」(啟示錄廿二:3~4) | |
許多基督徒常來到上帝面前,為求自己的需要與好處,但他們報告完他們的難處就走掉,並沒有好好在上帝面前等候,直到上帝的恩典充滿在他們心中;因此他們也沒有經歷到上帝的榮耀權能,這如何能幫助他們晝夜行在光中呢? 但對那些具有信心眼睛的人,他們知道靠著羔羊寶血,他們已來到天國的耶路撒冷城(來十二:22~24)——對他們而言,聖經的應許已成就,世上的生活,只不過是未來天國生活的預備。 「祂的僕人都要事奉祂。」雖然尚未見到祂的榮耀,但上帝的僕人,憑信心先踏出一步,甘心服事那看不見的主,就好像整天都活在上帝的容光中。那無所不在的全能上帝,也要保守祂的僕人,在祂同在的愛裡。 這兒還有進一步的應許——祂的名字必寫在他們額上。若順服上帝的命令,上帝同在的榮光,將大大影響你的性格,甚至你的容貌。因此在凡事都能尋求主的旨意,順服祂的心意而行,自然而然就結出聖靈果子,散發耶穌基督馨香之氣,別人可以從你身上看出耶穌的形像,祂的名字也要印在你的額上。 親愛的弟兄姐妹們,每天最重要的事,就是來到施恩寶座前領受祂的恩典,同樣一件重要的事,就是因著我們專心仰望羔羊耶穌,祂的榮光就會返照在我們臉上,讓我們一整天都行在祂的光中。是的,當我們的心常默念主的名,額上銘刻著聖靈的印記,我們就要被改變成祂的形像,榮上加榮。 上帝恩准我們在祂聖潔的榮光中,認識羔羊寶座的奧秘。「祂的僕人都要事奉祂,也要見祂的面,祂的名字必寫在他們的額上。」 | |
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Scripture: "The Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein: and His servants shall do Him service; and they shall see His face; and His name shall be on their foreheads."—REV. xxii. 3, 4. | |
Many Christians seek the Throne of Grace that they may find grace sufficient for their need, but they do not tarry until the grace from the Throne of God and of the Lamb fills their entire life, and enables them to walk night and day in its light, and experience the full impress of its glory. To those who have faith in the unseen life, and know that they have come to the heavenly Jerusalem, and the blood of sprinkling (Heb. xii. 22-24)—to them the promises in our text are fulfilled. The earthly life becomes an actual experience of prepara¬tion for the heavenly life. "His servants shall do Him service"; at first without the sight of His glory. The faithful soul finds a reward and goes a step farther, "They shall see His face." It becomes possible to walk in the light of His countenance, and to rejoice in Him the whole day. The Omnipresent One is the Almighty One, and His presence abides with His servant. There is a further promise—"His Name shall be on their foreheads." Obedience to God's commandments, the abiding in the light of His countenance, has an influence on the character and even the appearance of the children of God. As the fruit and reward of seeking to do all in the Name of Jesus (Col. iii. 17), the likeness to His image is seen in them, and His Name is visible on their foreheads. Dear Christian, it is a great thing to approach the Throne of Grace and to receive grace for each day. But there is a still greater blessing when the face of God and of the Lamb are revealed to our earnest gaze, and we walk each day in their light. When the Name of Christ is engraved upon our hearts and upon our foreheads, then we are changed into His image, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. God grant that we may all know the Throne of Grace in its holy and sanctifying influence! "His servants shall do Him ser¬vice; and they shall see His face; and His Name shall be on their foreheads." |