耶穌是一切 | |
經文: 「基督是包括一切。」(歌羅西書三:11) | |
耶穌是一切的一切,祂不但成就十字架的救贖,也是天地的主,寶座上的王——祂就是一切。祂不但是罪人的救主,使人稱義,祂也領人成聖,建立基督的身體;祂關心每一個人,即使最爛的人,祂也眷顧——因此祂是一切的一切。每天每時每刻,祂都供應那信靠祂的兒女們安慰與力量——因此祂是一切。 讀到這裡,你會覺得這些福份,都不是為你預備的嗎?你覺得自己太軟弱了嗎?太不配,太不值得上帝的眷顧了嗎?親愛的弟兄姐妹們,我們只要存著像小孩般單純的心相信接納這真理,耶穌就會成為我們一切的一切,供應我們的需要。我們全心相信耶穌的話:「我要永遠與你同在。」我們就能每天經歷祂的同在,無論你是何等罪大惡極的人,無論你的意志是如何消沉,靜靜來到主的面前,祂要向你顯現祂自己。告訴祂你是何等的敗壞,且相信祂要救拔扶持你,等候在祂面前,直到你的心再度喜樂。 請你再把這本書好好看一遍,一邊看一邊想——耶穌就是我的一切(這是我們常常忽略的真理),把這句話當作你的座右銘——並好好為此禱告,求上帝剛強你內在的人,使你確知上帝的愛,並靠著上帝的恩典,應付每天工作的挑戰。 | |
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Scripture: "Christ is all and in all."—COL. iii. 11. | |
In the eternal counsel of God, in the redemption on the cross, as King on the throne in heaven and on earth,—Christ is all! In the salvation of sinners, in their justification and sanctification, in the upbuilding of Christ's Body, in the care for individuals, even the most sinful,—this word avails, Christ is all. Every day and every hour, it affords comfort and strength to the child of God, who accepts it in faith:—Christ is all. Have you perhaps thought in reading these pages that the full salvation here described is not meant for you? You feel too weak, too unworthy, too untrustworthy. My dear reader, do believe that if you will only accept the Lord Jesus in childlike faith, you have a leader and a guide who will supply all your need. Believe with your whole heart in the word of our Saviour: "Lo, I am with you always," and you will experience His presence each day. However cold and dull your feelings may be, how¬ever sinful you are, meet the Lord Jesus in secret, and He will reveal Himself to you. Tell Him how wretched you are, and then trust Him to help and sustain you. Wait before Him until by faith you can rejoice in Him. Read this book over again, and read it with the thought: Christ is all. I have failed to remember this, but each day as I go to secret prayer let this thought be with me: Christ is all. Let me take it as my motto,— to teach me to pray, to strengthen my faith, to give me the assur¬ance of His love, and access to the Father, to make me strong for the work of the day: Christ is all. Yes, Christ, my Christ, is all I need. It will teach me to abide in His love. It will give me the assurance that He dwells in my heart, and I may know the love that passes knowledge. God be praised to all eternity: Christ, my Christ, is my all in all! |