耶穌在我裡面 | |
經文: 「自己省察有信心沒有……基督在你們心裡嗎?」(哥林多後書十三:5) | |
保羅希望每位基督徒,都能感受到這有福的確據——基督住在我裡面。若我們每天清晨都能花時間,讓「耶穌活在我裡面」這思想佔據我心中,那麼我們生活將有何等大的不同!我們活在基督裡,與基督活在我裡面,是一樣的確實。 在耶穌離世前最後一個晚上,祂清楚地告訴門徒,要派遣聖靈保惠師來教導他們,「到那日他們將明白我在父裡面,祢在我裡面,我也在祢裡面」的意思。首先,「祢在我裡面」是指我們憑著上帝,能相信我們是與基督同釘十字架,並和祂一起復活,就帶出這樣的結果——基督活在我們裡面。但這樣的認知並不容易獲得,基督徒藉著信得以接受這真理,聖靈也要引導我進入真理,讓我們今天就來相信這真理,並用禱告的心,領受這祝福。 保羅在以弗所書也清楚闡釋:「求祂按著祂豐盛的榮耀,藉著祂的靈,叫你們心裡的力量剛強起來。」(弗三:16)注意,這不是普通的恩典,這乃是特殊的啟示,明白上帝有何等豐盛的愛和權能,能藉著聖靈使你們內在的人剛強起來,如此耶穌也憑著你的「信」,住在你心裡面。你抓住這真理了嗎?基督徒真的能經歷到上帝豐滿的同在。 親愛的弟兄姐妹們,保羅說:「我在父面前屈膝。」這是得著祝福惟一的方法,花時間在密室禱告吧,明白「基督住在我裡面」的真義。我們過去實在太少有這樣的經歷,但我現在向上帝呼求,求祂動奇妙善工在我裡面,即使在我們日常的例行工作時,我們仍要常常仰望祂,心裡常常默念:「我與耶穌同釘十字架,現在活著的不再是我。乃是耶穌活在我裡面。」如此,「我在祢裡面,祢也在我裡面」,這樣的真理,才會落實在我們生活中,成為我們實際的經驗。 | |
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Scripture: "Know ye not…… how that Jesus Christ is in you?"— 2 COR. xiii. 5. | |
The Apostle would have each Christian live in the full assurance: Christ is in me. What a difference it would make in our lives if we could take time every morning to be filled with the thought: Christ is in me. As assuredly as I am in Christ, Christ is also in me. In the last night Christ put it clearly to His disciples, that the Spirit would teach them: "In that day ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in Me, and I in you." First of all Ye in Me. Through the power of God all we who believe were crucified with Christ, and raised again with Him. And as a result: Christ is in us. But this knowledge does not come easily. Through faith in God's Word the Christian accepts it, and the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Take time this very day to realize and appropriate this blessing in prayer. How clearly Paul expresses the thought in the prayer of Ephesians iii. 16: "That the Father would grant you according to the riches of His glory." Notice that it is not the ordinary gift of grace, but a special revelation of the riches of His love and power. That he grant you to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. Have you grasped it? The Christian may really have the experience of being filled with the fulness of God. Dear Christian, Paul said: "I bow my knees unto the Father." That is the only way to obtain the blessing. Take time in the inner chamber to realize: Christ dwells in me. Too little have I experienced this in the past, but I will cry to God and wait upon Him to perfect His work in me. Even in the midst of my daily work, I must look upon my heart as the dwelling place of the Son of God, and say: "I am crucified with Christ, I live no more; Christ liveth in me." Thus only will Christ's words: "Abide in Me, and I in you," become my daily experience. |