在基督裡 | |
經文: 「但你們得在基督耶穌裡,是本乎上帝。」(哥林多前書一:30) | |
保羅書信中常用到這句話——「在基督耶穌裡」,除非基督徒用禱告的心來接納這真理,否則就無法正確解析這句話,也不能經歷到「在基督耶穌裡」的能力。 在最後一夜,耶穌對門徒不只一次說到:「到那日」——聖靈要降下,「你將知道我在父裡面,你也在我裡面」,接著又說:「那住在我裡面的,要結出許多果子來。」「那住在我裡面的,他所求的必定成全。」然而,基督徒若不先用禱告的心接納這真理,就無法支取這應許。 保羅在羅馬書也這樣說:「我們與耶穌同埋葬」「我們向罪是死的,但藉著主耶穌基督,我們向上帝卻是活的。」「在耶穌裡他們就不再被定罪。」在以弗所書,保羅也說:「在基督耶穌裡,我們得救贖蒙揀選,我們擁有屬靈各樣的福份。」在歌羅西書,保羅又說:「在主裡面有全然豐盛的榮耀。」「我們與耶穌同行,得以在祂裡面成為完全。」 讓我們憑信抓住這些應許:「上帝在耶穌裡建立了我們。」「我們是屬基督的。」聖靈會教導我們獲得這樣的經驗,只要我們不消滅聖靈的感動,順著祂的帶領,聖經的應許將深植在我們心中,同時我們也會經歷到屬天的能力。但要記得,住在基督裡是心靈的事,必須培育在聖靈的愛裡;因此我們每天要花時間與耶穌談天親近,屬天的福份才會成為生活的實際,內在的生命才會每天不斷的更新。 | |
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Scripture: "Of God are ye in Christ Jesus."— 1 COR. i. 30. | |
The expression "in Christ" is often used in the Epistles. The Christian cannot read God's Word aright, nor experience its full power in his life, until he prayerfully and believingly accepts this truth: I am in Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus in the last night with His disciples used this word more than once. "In that day,"—when the Spirit had been poured out, "ye shall know that I am in the Father, and ye in Me." And then follows "Abide in Me; he that abideth in Me beareth much fruit." "If ye abide in Me, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." But the Christian cannot appropriate these promises unless he first prayerfully accepts the word: in Christ. Paul expresses the same thought in Romans. "We are buried with Christ." "We are dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." "There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." And in Ephesians: "God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ;" hath chosen us in Him; hath made us accepted in the Beloved; in Him we have redemption. And in Colossians: "In Him dwelleth all the fulness"; we are "perfect in Christ Jesus." "Walk ye in Him." "Ye are complete in Him." Let our faith take hold of the words: "It is God that stablisheth us in Christ." "Of God I am in Christ Jesus." The Holy Spirit will make it our experience. Pray earnestly and follow the leading of the Spirit. The word will take root in your heart, and you will realize something of its heavenly power. But remember that abiding in Christ is a matter of the heart. It must be cultivated in a spirit of love. Only as we take time from day to day in fellowship with Christ will the abiding in Christ become a blessed reality, and the inner man will be renewed from day to day. |