順服 | |
經文: 「你們要聽從我的話……我也做你們的上帝。」(耶利米書十一:4) | |
上帝頒下誡命,要以色列人遵守祂的命令,但以色列人沒辦法遵行上帝的旨意,因此上帝另立「新約」,讓祂的百姓有能力行出祂旨意。諸如「我要將我的律法……寫在他們的心上。」(耶卅一:33)「我必將我的靈放在你們裏面,使你們順從我的律例,謹守遵行我的典章。」(結卅六:27)這些寶貴的應許,使我們樂意遵行祂的旨意,因深信就是有福的確據。 再看看耶穌基督是怎麼談論「順服」,「有了我的命令又遵守的,這人就是愛我的,愛我的必蒙我父愛他,我也要愛他,並且要向他顯現。」(約十四:21)又說:「你們若遵守我的命令,就常在我的愛裡。」(約十五:10)這些應許是取之不盡,用之不竭的寶藏,只要憑信心站在這堅固磐石上,上帝就會賜我力量,愛祂並順服祂的旨意。 小孩若不聽話,把父母的話當耳邊風,父母就無法管教他們;學生若沒有受教的耳朵,老師也勸不動他們向上;士兵若不順從軍令,將軍也無法指揮他們獲勝。求主將這樣的真理刻印在我們心版上:信心的生活就是順服的生活。耶穌既是如此順服上帝,我們亦當如此順服上帝。 然而,我們卻常常聽到這樣的論調:「我沒有辦法順服,這是完全不可能的事。」但上帝應許我們可以遵行祂的律例典章,所以禱告並默想這些話,並求聖靈打開你的心眼,使你有能力行出上帝的旨意。總之,求上帝使你與耶穌基督的關係,建立在穩定的關係上——安靜地,恆切地,願意完全地順服基督。 | |
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Scripture: 'Obey My voice… and I will be your God."—JER. xi. 4. | |
God gave this command to Israel when He gave them the law. But Israel had no power to keep the law. So God gave them a "new covenant," to enable His people to live a life of obedience. We read (Jer. xxxi. 33), "I will write My law in their hearts" (Jer. xxxii. 40), "I will put My fear in their heart, that they shall not depart from Me." (Ezek. xxxvi. 27), "I will cause you to walk in My statutes." These wonderful promises gave the assurance that obedience would be their delight. Let us listen to what the Lord Jesus says about obedience (John xiv. 21-23). "He that keepeth My commandments, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and We will make our abode with him." And in John xv. 10, "If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love." These words are an inexhaustible trea¬sure. Faith can firmly trust Christ to enable us to live such a life of love and of obedience. No father can train his children unless they are obedient. No teacher can teach a child who continues to disobey him. No general can lead his soldiers to victory without prompt obedience. Pray God to imprint this lesson on your heart: the life of faith is a life of obedience. As Christ lived in obedience to the Father, so we too need obedience for a life in the love of God. Alas, the thought is too common: "I cannot be obedient, it is quite impossible." Yes, impossible to you, but not to God. He has promised "to cause you to walk in His statutes." Pray and meditate on these words, and the Holy Spirit will enlighten your eyes, so that you will have power to do God's will. Let your fellowship with the Father and with the Lord Jesus Christ have as its one aim and object—a life of quiet, determined, unques¬tioning obedience. |