密室的交通 | |
經文: 「你禱告的時候,要進你的內屋。」(馬太福音六:6) | |
你可曾想過,這是何等尊貴的特權,每天我們都可來到密室,與創造天地的主相會,並聽祂慈愛的叮嚀。我們基督徒理當每天快快樂樂、滿有信心地來到上帝面前。 「你禱告的時候,」耶穌說:「要進你的內屋,關上門,禱告你在暗中的父。」(太六:6)這有兩層深意——關起門來,意味著暫時拋開工作俗務的煩擾,卸下思慮愁煩的纏繞,單獨地與暗中的天父相處禱告,讓上帝的同在(摸著上帝)成為你禱告的主要目標。切記這提醒:單獨與上帝同在。 但這只是開始,我還得花時間感覺祂的同在,並確知祂明白我多麼需要祂的幫助與引導,祂且願意側耳傾聽我的祈禱。同時祂也應許:「那在暗處禱告主的,主必在明處報賞他。」上帝絕對會回應我們的禱告,而且奇妙地做工在我們心中。 這位樂意與人為友的上帝,祂會指示我們如何過密室的生活,並且教導我們如何禱告,並藉著祂來親近父上帝。讓我們單純如小孩子一般,完完全全地信賴耶穌,坦然無懼地向祂承認自己的過錯,並向祂傾吐內心一切的需要,靠著耶穌的名獻上一切的祈求。我們這樣做,絕對不是對空氣講話,因為上帝側耳垂聽我們的呼求。 | |
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Scripture: "When thou prayest enter into thine inner chamber." —MATT. vi. 6, R. V. | |
Have you ever thought what a wonderful privilege it is that every one each day and each hour of the day has the liberty of asking God to meet him in the inner chamber, and to hear what he has to say? We should imagine that every Christian use such a privilege gladly and faithfully. "When thou prayest," says Jesus, "enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." That means two things. Shut the world out, withdraw from all worldly thoughts and occupations, and shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief object in prayer, to realize the Presence of your heavenly Father. Let your watchword be: Alone with God. This is only the beginning. I must take time to realize His presence with me, and pray to my Father who seeth in secret, in the full assurance that He knows how I long for His help and guidance, and will incline His ear to me. Then follows the great promise: "Thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." My Father will see to it that my prayer is not in vain. All through the occupations of a busy day, the answer to my prayer will be granted. Prayer in secret will be followed by the secret working of God in my heart. As the Lord Jesus has given us the promise of His presence, and shows us the way to the inner chamber, He will assuredly be with us to teach us to pray. It is through Him that we have access to the Father. Be childlike and trustful in your fellowship with Christ. Confess each sin, bring your every need. Offer your prayer to the Father in the name of Christ. Prayer in fellowship with Jesus cannot be in vain. |