耶穌的愛 | |
經文: 「我愛你們,正如父愛我一樣,你們要常在我的愛裏。」(約翰福音十五:9) | |
親朋好友間的溝通互動,建立在彼此的關係與感情,若夫妻間沒有感情,親子之間缺乏愛,彼此間那裡談得上有溫情的互動?若我們的信仰,只有頭腦裡的聖經知識,以及教會的聖工,卻沒有對主深厚的情誼,這樣的關係豈能甜蜜長久(林前十三:1~3)?喔,親愛的弟兄姐妹們,在密室裡不可或缺的經驗,就是經驗到上帝有多愛我們,並學習如何長久保守自己在祂的愛中。 想想耶穌是怎麼說的:「我父愛我」——這是何等奇妙永恆的愛。「我也以這樣的愛愛你。」耶穌將祂心中愛天父的愛,放在祂門徒的心中,並作工在祂門徒心中,保守他們每天都活在上帝的愛中,這是何等有福的生活!基督渴望每個門徒都擁有像祂那樣愛上帝的心。弟兄姊妹們,你可知無論你在聚會時,或私禱時,你就已經為屬天的愛所環繞。試著去觸摸到那樣的愛,因為耶穌渴望用那說不出來的大愛,充滿你的心。 常常讀聖經中有關基督大愛的經文,並默想它,直到你整個人浸潤在其中,遲早你將明白人生的至樂乃是被主耶穌所愛,而且能終日與祂相契為伴。 願你不斷地對心說:祂的愛對我有說不出來的甘甜,祂也要常保守我在祂的愛中。 | |
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Scripture: "Even as the Father hath loved Me, I also have loved you: abide ye in My love."—JOHN xv. 9. R. V. | |
In intercourse between friends and relations everything depends on their love to each other. Of what value is abundance of riches, if love is lacking between husband and wife, or parents and children? And in our religion, of what value is all knowledge and zeal in God's work, without the knowledge and experience of Christ's love? (See 1 Cor. xiii. 1-3.) O Christians, the one thing needful in the inner chamber is to know by ex¬perience how much Christ loves you, and to learn how you may abide and continue in that love. Think of what Christ says: "As the Father hath loved Me," —what a Divine, everlasting, wonderful love! "Even so have I loved you." It was the same love with which He had loved the Father and that He always bore in His heart, which He now gave into the hearts of His disciples. He yearns that this everlasting love should rest upon us, and work within us, that we may abide in it day by day. What a blessed life! Christ desires every disciple to live in the power of the self-same love of God that He Himself experienced. My brother, do you realize that in your fellowship with Christ in secret or in public, you are surrounded by and kept in this heavenly love? Let your desire reach out to this everlasting love. The Christ with whom you desire fellowship longs unspeakably to fill you with His love. Read from time to time what God's Word says about the love of Christ. Meditate on the words, and let them sink into your heart. Sooner or later you will begin to realize: The greatest happiness of my life is that I am beloved of the Lord Jesus. I may live in fellowship with Him all the day long. Let your heart continually say: His love to me is unspeakable, He will keep me abiding in His love. |